Tree of Love

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Once upon a time there was a small peaceful kingdom, called the kingdom of hearts, it was known of the love and sympathy of its people, and its acceptance and respect to every being., the ruler Danny was very sweet and kind they were also very cute, with adorable birthmarks and cute round glasses. everyone in and outside the castle adored them. They were merciful and just and they took good care of the kingdom's treasure, "the tree of love". It was a pink glittery tree, that provided for centuries the kingdom with magical fruits that healed diseases and kept everyone healthy.

Every day, their majesty Danny would walk into the castle's garden along his personal guard, and check on the tree, enjoy its magnificent beauty, and sometimes sits underneath its leaves to read a book or work on their royal duties. Until one day, they observed something very concerning, the glitter on the tree began to fade, and the branches seemed to lose their pinkish colour.

Danny went from asking the farmers, to the researchers about the reason but no one knew what was going on. and so they ended up calling for the best witch in the kingdom, who was also their bestie. As soon as she got notified that their majesty needed her, Jupiter teleported to the throne room, surprising everyone in there except for the ruler and his personal guard, they were both used to her graceful entries. Jupiter adjusted her pink pointy hat with a confident smile and said "greetings your highness, I heard you were looking for me"

Their majesty nodded as they turned their gaze towards the window "it's the tree of love, it lost its spark today, and I am getting worried"

The witch walked towards the window to see herself, and was chocked by how pale the tree seemed "could it be the prophecy?" she mumbled "I can't believe it has been a hundred years already!"

"what prophecy?" Danny asked

Jupiter moved her silky fuchsia hair behind her shoulders, before clapping twice making appear a beige globe between her hands. With swirling clouds around it, the crystal ball kept floating with a slow rotation, just like a tiny version of the planet Jupiter.

"come closer your highness" said Jupiter

And so Danny did, they looked into the crystal to see some reflected images, describing exactly the story the pink witch told them "it was centuries ago, when the tree of love was just an ordinary peach tree. The very first queen fell in love with a witch, and they spent a lot of time chilling underneath it. After they got married, the which casted a very powerful spell even I could never remake it. the magic turned the peach tree into the tree of love we know as a symbol of their love towards each other and the kingdom. But the spell effect fades after every hundred years, to reactivate it, the current ruler must hold hands with their soulmate before midnight."

"midnight?! You mean tonight's midnight?!" Danny gasped in as his bestie nodded "but I don't know who my soulmate is! I don't even know what I want in a partner"

"calm down Danny, there is still time, we will figure something out"

Their Majesty walked nervously around the room before posing and referring a question to their personal guard who've been standing there silently the entire time "what do you think Hunter?"

"hmm, well all you have to do is to hold hand with the soulmate right... can a handshake count as holding hands?" asked the knight

"yes, actually , any form of physical contact is acceptable" replied Jupiter as she read through her floating crystal

"well then.. how about a meet and greet party? We can invite all the single folks around the kingdom and have them shake hands with their majesty, the party can be casual so the citizens don't get worried about looking fancy and presentable .. what do you think?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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