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"Y/N I expect your project to be turned in by next week I extended the deadline" your professor instructed cleaning all the utensils that were used during class today. You nod your head placing your cookbooks into your bag finally enough time for you to take care of a baby without having to stress about a project due the very same day. You can actually chill and think about what your gonna do for your project instead of rushing like you always do. "Thank you, Madam Montmorency," you say as your teacher smiles before stopping you.

"I hope little Nailah isn't any trouble to my best student," she says looking down at you. Nailah is your baby that you had with someone who wasn't your boyfriend at first but is now. It was an "accident" from what Nailah's father says a hole in the condom but you know that it wasn't true. Every girl he has fucked with before you said that he likes "hitting it raw" and that he hopes his fling isn't dumb enough to keep a baby he won't wanna have any relations with.

So you weren't surprised when you were knocking on the doorsteps of his father crying because you were young, dumb, and only did it for a good time. Lucky for you his father forced him to be in your life and since then you guys started going out and made it official the day you brought Nailah into the world. "Naw she ain't she's with her father right now cause he didn't have classes but I do gotta get her cause he does have to get ready for his soon" you answer as Madam Montmorency nods before leaning on a desk.

"I'm glad that you and Richard Grayson are co-parenting. But I hope you guys have other help as well?" Madam Montmorency asks as you nod your head "My friends help us as well as Dick's siblings" you replied as Madam Montmorency nods her head "That's good make sure you keep those people close for Nailah's sake" she says as you bob your head. Madam Montmorency walks away leaving you to your thoughts.

"Babe, are you ok? You're off in space again" your boyfriend asks softly shaking you to get your attention. You snap out of it looking at your boyfriend holding a sleepy baby in his arms "yea I'm fine just...thinking" you answer as he nods his head handing you Nailah, she shifts in your arms silently whimpering for a few seconds. "I was thinking about taking her to go see the lil mermaid" Dick request caressing her cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐁 & 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄 | 𝐓.𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now