Chapter 1: Nightmares

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You woke up drenched in sweat and tears; it was still pitch black outside. You looked at your alarm clock, and it read "2:18 AM". You felt your heart racing, and you tried to recall what you had dreamt about that caused you to wake up in this state, but you could not remember. *Tick Tick Tick.* You hear the clock that is in the kitchen ticking; the noise tends to get irritating sometimes, but you tend to ignore it. Once you decide to get up, you walk over to the bathroom that is in your room and turn on the light. The light is very dim because the lightbulb is burning out, and you make a mental note to get your parents to change that lightbulb in the morning. You turn on the faucet, and lukewarm water comes out. You splash your face with the water a few times before grabbing a towel and drying your face. You then proceed to stare in your mirror, looking at all of your features. Time flys by quickly; you haven't even noticed that you have been staring at yourself for about 8 minutes. You start to see a faint figure behind you; you can barely make out any features besides its large eyes and shortness. You quickly turn around, and there's nothing there; your mind was probably just playing jokes on you.

After a while, you decide to head over to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of juice. Once you enter the kitchen, you walk over to the refrigerator and grab a carton of fruit punch, which you set down on the island. Then you go and grab a glass cup from the cupboard, which you also set down on the island. You unscrew the cap off of the fruit punch, and you go to pour yourself a glass, but it's empty. "Who the hell puts empty stuff back into the fridge?" you think, slightly annoyed. You decided to just get water, head back to your bedroom, and go back to sleep for the rest of the night.

You woke up a few hours later, once again drenched in sweat and tears, but this time you're able to remember some of your nightmare. In the nightmare, you walked into the woods and were taunted by a strangely familiar figure. The figure was quite short, and it had long blond hair with candy corn-like horns. That's all you can remember. Why does that figure seem so familiar? You stepped out of your bed and immediately winced in pain, saying, "Fuck!!" You say it out loud as you look down at what caused the pain in your feet. You see that the glass cup that was once on your nightstand is now on the floor, shattered into what seems to be a million pieces. You hear someone knock on your bedroom door: "Y/N, dear? Are you okay in there?" Your mother called out kindly, "Yeah. I just stepped on broken glass. Could you bring me a bandage and tweezers?" You said you were still in pain. "Of course, my dear. I'll clean up the glass while you bandage yourself up," your mother replied back. You knew that she would always be there for you.
(Ahhhhh, first part is finished!!!)

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