chapter four

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IN A RUSH AJANI hopped out of her car and started her search to find her little sister which would be hard considering damn near half of Detroit was here

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IN A RUSH AJANI hopped out of her car and started her search to find her little sister which would be hard considering damn near half of Detroit was here

Looking around she saw thousands of cars as well as females on said cars and males in the middle of the function catching everything they could catch .. including STDs

She pulled out her phone quickly typing in Sami's number pressing the call button waiting impatiently for the ringing to stop

" heyyyy girl wassupp" her little sister slurred on the other side of the phone clearly intoxicated

" Sami where you at I decided to pull up to this lil party after all girl can't hide forever" she chuckled nervously hoping that her sister that ALWAYS knows when something is wrong with her wouldn't notice this time around

" okay then girl I'm right by this one lil bops car it's like a 2016 white Mercedes it's closer to the corner ITS SO MANY NIGGAS" she slurs the last part loudly making it easier for her to find Sami as she heard her voice in real life

She looked around until her eyes set on bright orange

She slowly walked over to Sami seeing her around Lena with a couple of neighborhood bops and not to far away ... trey

" oh my gawddd sisterrr" Sami slurred rapping both both arms around her big sisters neck trying to keep her balance

" Sami how much did you drink" she said wincing at her sisters alcohol breath

" girl fuck that it's this one Nigga he so fine girl he came up in this bitch looking black baby jesus himself I tell you" she giggled at her own joke and started moving her hips around in a circle sticking her tongue out

One thing about Sami was that when she had a feelings for somebody it came fast,hard, and made her vision and brain more clouded than anything all she saw was love and lust

" I'ma get me some of him on daddy he gon be my daddy okay " Ajani could feel it in her bones who she was already talking about and it made her heart fall to her toes she didn't want her sister to fall inlove with somebody she could never be with

" oh jani here he come hold this" she handed her the cup Taylor Porte and Apple juice while pushing up her boobs and puckering her lips while turning around to face the man Ajani wished would just disappear

" just the girl I was looking for" he smirked looking Ajani straight in her eyes so they could know exactly who he was talking to

" hey pookie what's yo name" Sami says lightly rubbing on his toned stomach making him turn his attention to her and turn it right back to Ajani

"Have you thought about it ma or do I gotta take things into my own hands"he said leaning down to whisper in Janis ear making her shiver down her spine from the slight breath he felt right below her earlobe

" I said no then and I'm saying no now" she said slightly pushing him back by the palm of her hands

"Now wait a minute you know him jani where you been hiding such a fine man" Sami was the more known sister the more out there sister yes both sister loved to party but Sami LIVED to party, she was the popular one,the one that knew what to do with the boys, in most people eyes the wild card while as her sister was more reserved,focused on work, and have only been with one man her whole life so seeing jani get attention from a man SHE wanted was foreign to Sami she had never had to share the spot light because it was always on her

" no- yeah she finna know me very well" he cut off jani finally showing some type of reaction to the young girls words to him

" you know something I told you to get lost I think you better take that advice" she spat at him fiercely hoping he would finally get the idea that he wasn't wanted

" I already told you I like it aggressive you ain't doing nothing but turning me on" he whispered placing a hand on her waist pulling her so close that there chest were touching

The sudden touch almost overwhelmed jani as she had never been touched by any man but trey but for some reason this strange man made her feel a thousand sparks in her body something she had never felt for trey

" umm jani what's going on" Sami shakily said as she watched her sister and what she had understood in one night was the love of her life were so close that it made her feel uncomfortable and this other feeling she couldn't quite understand yet

" nothing absolutely nothing" she shoves him for the last time

" come on Sami let's go" she walked away purposefully bumping into mystery man not before she grabbed by the hand stopping her from walking fully away

"It's sin"


"My name"

Almost like she couldn't control her vocal cords she whispered to herself  "SIN"

 Almost like she couldn't control her vocal cords she whispered to herself  "SIN"

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This was a short chapter but it got my point across

But what y'all think so far ?

And remember don't be a ghost reader

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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