Chapter One - Going Nowhere

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It was just one day after the what happened in camp, yet Davis took it upon himself to drag everyone from Nelson's group out to a secluded area of the woods. He wanted to train them on their combat skills against walkers. Mary was the only person who stayed back, knowing her abilities didn't need any work. Hannah, Lisa, Caleb, Connor, Molly, Kaython, and Olivia all were with Davis in the forest. Davis stood to the side while everyone tightly gripped their bows and aimed their arrows at the red targets on that were pinned on the three separate trees. "The rules are simple. Choose the target closest to your line of sights, aim an inch above your target. Then release!" Davis instructed the group. Caleb struggled with keeping his arrow in place. "It won't work!" Caleb whined to his mother as he looked to her for help. "Hold on, honey." Lisa said as she squeezed her eye shut and squinted the other. Caleb stood next to her holding his bow in one hand and his arrow in the other. "Please! Mom!" He whined, trying to force her attention to him. Lisa angrily put her bow down and looked at Caleb. "What?" She then asked him in a stern and sharp tone, which made him feel even more scared to ask for help. "I can't hold it right." He finally told her. Lisa grabbed an arrow that off the floor that was lying next to Caleb's baseball glove. She then went behind him and guided his hands to the right spots. "Remember what he told us. Aim an inch above the target and then release." She said. Lisa watched as Caleb closed one of his eyes and squinted with the other. "There you go." She said. Caleb slowly adjusted his sights until he was looking a full inch above the middle of the target. "Now release." Lisa told him. Suddenly a group of walkers appeared from the woods. As Caleb shot the arrow, one of the walkers stumbled in front of the line of fire causing the arrow to go through its head. The arrowhead stuck out the other side from the walker's ear as it fell lifelessly to the ground making a small thud. "Everyone, stay back!" Davis ordered as he started shooting the walkers with his bow.

Clarence stood in front of the gates of the bus station. He looked around the camp in disappointment and annoyance. 'It hasn't even taken him a day and he's ruining it.' Clarence thought to himself. He knew that they wouldn't get off scot-free for fucking with his camp. Clarence stomped into the office and was met with Jerry. "Where is everyone?" Clarence asked with a slightly poisoned tone. "I think Davis took them out to practice shooting skills." Jerry replied shortly, fiddling with his comms system as if Clarence wasn't even in the room. "Well do you know... WHERE?!" He snapped at Jerry. He immediately dropped what he was doing and looked at Clarence. "I didn't go. So how would I know?" Jerry said irritably as he started to leave the office. "Wait, actually. What happened? Why are you so dead set on finding Nelson's group?" Jerry asked, as he stood in the doorway. "Nelson and his group are the reason we almost got overrun and the reason why my friend got got killed. They are a problem, and I usually make my problems disappear." Clarence replied coldly. Jerry felt a light shiver race down his back as he turned and looked away from Clarence before leaving the office.

Nelson was laying in bed thinking about last night. Trying to piece it all together and wrap his brain around the reality of his world being turned upside down on him this way. Before Nelson even opened his eyes, he reached his arm over expecting Lisa to be there but she wasn't. He got up slowly and noticed both her and Caleb were nowhere to be seen. He got up feeling confused, but he thought maybe Connor would know. Once he got to Connor's sleeping area he was also nowhere to be found. Nelson looked around and saw none of his friends around. He decided to go to the main office hoping to find answers. Once he got there, he saw Clarence sitting with his head down and his hands on his forehead. Nelson chose not to say anything, but as soon as he was about to leave Clarence noticed him in the doorway. "Bet you're wondering where your people are. Don't worry about it cause you're all getting kicked out today." Clarence stated. Nelson was speechless. "You can't do that. We need this shelte-" Nelson started as Clarence quickly interrupted him. "And I needed my friend to be alive. I needed my camp to stay safe from those things." "That wasn't our fault. Those fences aren't built for an army of blood hungry monsters." Nelson explained to him. Clarence stood up from his seat and glared directly in Nelson's eyes. "Start packing. Now." Clarence sternly ordered, but Nelson disobeyed. "So we're not even gonna talk about how you betrayed my family? We're not even gonna mention how you ransacked the last of our supplies?" Nelson argued. "We didn't know it was yours, man. Drop that shit." Replied Clarence. He paced around the room nervously for a few seconds. "And don't say I betrayed you. Don't you make me look bad in my camp. God knows what you're telling you're people already." Clarence added. "We can bicker back and forth all day about this, but you need to know one thing..." Nelson began as he went up to Clarence, breaking the tense air. "We are going nowhere."

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