The Ultimate Question Has Been Answered

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Hello ladies and jeeps and nonbinary peeps and everyone in between! Today we have a special question asked by @Moxlikebananas! I would paste the comment here but I'm doing this on a laptop right now so yeah I'll just do this

@Moxlikesbananas asks: "Are you trans REBEL?? {INSERT 2 DEVIL EMOJIS HERE}

First of all, love the story reference! Very wonderful of you, friend! Second of all, SEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!

Sean: *runs over* What??

You have a question sent by @Moxlikesbananas that needs to be answered!

Sean: Okay what is it? *reads question* Oh okay! Well to answer your question, yes I am indeed trans! Nonbinary to be exact! Thanks for asking @Moxlikesbananas!

Well their you have it folks! The question has been answered!

(A/N: Hey, I know Sean being nonbinary isn't canon it's just my headcanon so please respect that!)

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