Pilot Chapter

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    "What is this place?" I stared in awe at the winding tunnel ahead. A bronze dragon hovered effortlessly above two portals, one designated for the Horde capital of Orgrimmar, and the other, the one Talau and I had traveled through, locked on to the Alliance capital of Stormwind. Thin wisps of ethereal magic traced along the walls with ancient buildings and relics of all different cultures jutting through. Deep browns and ambers made the trail seem dark, with the only light coming from those odd white wisps.

    Talau stood ahead of me. The aggravating, cursed wolf was readjusting the handles within her twin fist weapons. Two frighteningly accurate bear heads carved from the wood of a long deceased ancient, or so I'd overheard. "The Caverns of Time. Ashanti's home." Her dark, furry head never nudged in my direction. And Caysia wondered why the two of us just couldn't get along.

    "Why Ashanti's specifically? Were you too scared that I would blow your house up instead?" I spat at her playfully.

    "I don't have a house." I closed my mouth. A part of me wanted to ask more. But my pride was still trying to burst through. I let her finish. "And Ashanti will have the answers you seek." Finally, Talau turned her narrowed brown gaze to me. I expected malice and annoyance, but all I could see was...sadness? I had to be hallucinating.

    The she-wolf turned around once more, facing the ominous pathway that dipped down in front of us. She lifted a clawed hand still grasping the fistweapon tightly and drew it forward, motioning for me to follow. I heaved a sigh, dragging my feet heavily as we started our journey over the sand.

    The path wound nearly in circles, but never changed its direction in altitude. The edges of the sands were littered with broken weapons and faintly glowing relics that almost never matched. A shattered stained-glass window looked like it had been jumbled together with crumbled tiles and bricks, tossed into a box, and dumped out again in the same motion, spreading nearly to where Talau and I continued to walk. And on the other side, rusted shields laid among broken bones larger than an infernal.

    Along the walls, I recognized some of the ruins of Zin'Azshari seeming to pry themselves through. And surrounding them were failed goblin experiments and the remnants of ancient troll temples and draenei warships. Various skulls of the different Azerothian races were scattered throughout the whole landscape. I wondered if Ashanti was aware of all the strange discoveries littering her hallways.

    By the time we found a clearing in the forever-stretching hall, my feet were throbbing. I'd have guessed that Talau had made us walk on purpose out of spite if I hadn't noticed that not a single other visitor in the massive cavern before us possessed another mode of transportation either. There were denizens of nearly every culture and race in Azeroth. But all the eyes I spotted were an intense azure. Dragons. I had always marveled at the variety of which the titan-blessed beings chose for their visage forms to blend in with the younger races of the world.

    The cavern was too great in size, with walls stretching so far up a dragon could fly around effortlessly. And they were. The ceiling had been given the illusion of the night sky with stars decorating every visible corner of stone. Sand covered every inch down below, with smaller pathways winding to their own unknown corners of time. One was packed with rich jungle vegetation and centaurs, while another hosted the utmost familiar handy work of the human kingdom of Lordaeron. Cerulean and crimson flags with the intricate "L" lined every available wall.

    And right in the center of the natural room was a giant hourglass. Thick brass rings orbited around it and even thicker glass seemed to surround the entire thing. An equally large bronze dragon hosting a long beard and gnarled horns slept atop the bottom plate. His tough wings were pulled in close to his sides, and I could see his smokey breath swirling with each exhale.

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