Chapter 10

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It's been a week when I told Advik everything. That night I told him everything that was on my mind, I told him everything that was happening between me and Aditya. I told him the words came out of Aditya's mouth from the day when we got married to that night and how they pierce my heart every freaking time.

I told Advik how I suffer every minute with him but still I don't want to leave Aditya.

Why? He asked.

Because I have fallen in love so madly in love with him that I do not want to leave him till my last breath.

Mad. Advik called me a Mad Woman.

I truly am a mad woman who is hopelessly in love with The Aditya Raghuwanshi.

Why don't you leave him? He asked.

He didn't do anything. I said.

Yet. He said.

I know I should keep my distance from Aditya after everything...but... he feels home for some reason or I have become a twisted woman from one of the stories.

That night on my 26th Birthday I promised myself I won't leave Aditya until and unless I have a solid reason to do so.

After my conversation with Advik I called Kanvi and told her everything that I said to Advik.

She laughed.

If I am crazy she is crazier. Maybe that's why we are friends.


I closed the door of my room and was about to go downstairs when somebody held my hands and pulled me with them.


"We need to talk kitten" he called me that again.

We got inside his bedroom and he locked the door. He was upset. But why? I haven't talked about our past with anyone? Then why-

"Advik told me everything" he said taking a step forward and I took a step backwards.

"Listen I know you are upset that how can Aditya treat me like that but-"

"That's not"

"What?" I asked.

"I am upset because of you" he accused and I looked at him without saying anything because I don't have anything to say right now and he looks genuinely hurt.

"Because you didn't even think of telling me what you are going through, why kitten? Do you think I will hurt you again if you trust me again?" He took one more step towards me and I back.

"It's not that it's just I didn't have any idea how to say those things to anyone. Aditya wasn't abusive or something never did he looked at another woman but he never treated as his wife also. I am nothing more than showpiece to him but I want to change that and I can change that I am sure about it I just need some time" I said looking at those eyes those beautiful blue eyes.

"Kitten.... Why?"

"I love him Ashu I love him so much that I don't mind getting killed for him". I know my answer is dramatic okay overdramatic but I really do love him alot.

Ashu cupped my cheeks and made me looked at him. "You loved me too kitten... You loved me and my eyes and my smile-" His face getting closer every second.

This feels nice a man being so gentle with me after so long but this isn't right. This is wrong very wrong. As much as I want to be with him in this moment and remember the old days it is not right I need to stop him.

I took a step backwards and took his hands in mine.

"He is the one I love now Ashu so let's just not talk about us anymore... actually there is no us anymore. I hope you remember" with that I left his room.

This is the reason why I didn't want to see him again because I knew things will get awkward. And after what happened today I think it would be better if I avoid him for as long as I can.

My phone vibrated in my hand indicating a message. I looked at the message which said

"See you soon love."


I was in the garden watering the plants when somebody cleared their throat. I looked over to the person and it was Advik smiling at me. I returned the smile and asked him what he is doing at the house since he should be at the office.

"Well I got a few hours break so I thought it would be better to get home and rest" he said plucking one of the white roses.

"So how is your day going?" He asked trying to have a conversation with me he is been doing this alot since the day I told him about me and Aditya. Kanvi says that maybe maybe Advik is in love with me. Which I don't think is true I think he is trying to make me feel comfortable and I really appreciate what he is doing for me.

He was in the garden with for a while before getting a call from Aditya that he needs Advik for some work. And so he left.


Currently it's 1:00 in the night and I am trying my best to sleep but I can't. Aditya is still not home and he didn't even tell anyone when he will be home. And there is this feeling inside me that something is wrong. I just hope he is fine. I think I should call him so that I can know if he is doing fine or not.

Just before I was about to call him the door of our room opened and he came inside blood coming out his forehead. He looked at me and shaked his head indicating not say anything but I can't do that he is hurt right now.

"Ad-Aditya what happened" I asked moving towards him. He didn't say anything it is not that I was expecting him to say anything but still.

I hold his hand walked him to the bed and asked him to sit. I went to the bathroom and took out the first aid kit and walked back inside the room.

He was lying down on the bed closing his eyes, the first two buttons of his shirt open the coat was thrown down. I walked towards him and sit carefully on the bed.

Taking out some cotton I poured a little amount of antiseptic liquid on it then I tried tried to clean cut on his before. But before I could do that he held my hand. Opening his eyes he looked at me. Those brown eyes don't look the same tonight they seem hurt?upset? sad? I don't know I can't quite read them.

Before I could say anything he cupped my cheeks pulled me towards him and.....

I am so sorry for posting this late. Been busy with some shit.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

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Ashutosh and Chaya?

Advik and Chaya?

Anddd Aditya and Chaya?

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