Ch. 32 - Until We Meet Again

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Ardaik 18th - Tulot, Serellia

With every passing second Folian became even further convinced that he'd greatly miscalculated just how nervous he would be. It wasn't overly warm in the great hall, but he was sweating as if he'd just jogged around the courtyard in full armor. Eron's presence only made things worse. He just knew it was only a matter of time before his smart-mouthed subordinate would comment on his fraying composure.

Folian needed to make his move now, if he was going to at all, but he needed to be tactical about it. He still needed to sound like himself. Clearing his throat, the captain took an extra step forward towards the princess and Norah. "Excuse me, Yar Highness, I don't mean ta interrupt the riveting conversation, but there's a family matter I need ta speak to Lady Norah about. We'll only be a moment."

Norah's expression immediately turned to one of slight alarm. It wasn't like Folian to put family matters ahead of anything, so her first assumption was that something was wrong. Despite her worry she managed an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Princess, would you mind excusing me?" she asked.

"Not a'tall, I have plenty to satisfy my entertainment for the evening," replied the princess with a playful tone as she hooked her arm around her guardsmen's offered elbow. Her and Eron split off from them and slipped into the crowd of people filling the great hall. Once they had enveloped into the sea of festivities Norah turned to Folian.

"Wull, what tis it? What's wrong?"

"Calm down, nothin's wrong, just-" Folian took a deep breath, giving their surroundings a quick glance before lowering his voice further. "If Flannie doesn't have the good sense ta make ya his queen by the end'a all this, I'd appreciate you considering givin' me the honor of eh...calling me yer husband," he finished quickly, following his words with a brief huff of relief despite his face feeling hot enough to burn off any number of the freckles or small scars splattered across it. There. That was simple. No worse than staring down a dire elk. "That's eh... that's it. That's all I been meaning ta tell ya."

Norah's large green eyes stared wordlessly at Folian for a long moment, her expression was hard to read. Shock was definitely present, but whether or not that was good, Folian still couldn't tell.

"Wut about Da? And Nan? Won't they disapprove?" Norah asked before some realization hit her "Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that!" She let out a flustered huff and smiled softly at him. "What I meant ta say was... yes."

Folian had the wind clean knocked out of him a couple times before. This felt similar. "Aye?" he rasped, as her response actually sank in. Smirking, he took one of her delicate hands into his own, hoping to the highest branch that she didn't notice it trembling. He crowned her knuckles with a swift kiss, his eyes never leaving Norah's. "I wun speak a word of this to the royal family. I'd never wanna deny you the life they could give ya, but..." He selfishly hoped Norah would choose to be his regardless? ...He couldn't say that. It was too much pressure on her. Even though it was the truth. "Thank you, My Lady."


"You seem distracted," Eron all but shouted to be heard over the crowd in the hall, despite the fact that he and the princess were side by side.

"I'm bored. Lets go some place quieter," replied Alorta, and the coy smile that followed made Eron's pulse pick up as he followed her out of the main hall into the emptier halls of the castle. His anticipation grew as they found a small corner closet near the servants quarters and Alorta pushed him inside, before following after him.

His excitement was quickly dashed, however, when instead of a passionate embrace, he had a lantern thrust at him.

"Hold that," Alorta instructed, as though she were speaking to any normal servant, while she rolled back a rug and then pulled open a hatch that was hidden beneath.

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