Gulit pt.2

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Your POV

Me Matt and Chris are all in the car together I'm sitting next to Nick and Chris is up front with Matt. I know that he wanted to sit back here with me but I haven't said one word to him since everything happened.

I need him to know it's not his fault but I'm just not ready to talk yet. Not to him not to anyone

We finally pulled into the driveway and I got out after Nick. Everyone walked behind me acting as if I'm glass about to shatter and they have to catch the pieces

I appreciate them so much and I'm so happy they're giving me the space I need

Once we got to the door Matt walked up next to me and unlocked it. He let me in first and I slowly walked to the living room. I grab a blanket off the couch and curl up in a ball.

They're staring at me. But not saying anything...not even to each other

I sat up on the couch and faced them. I need to talk to them I'm sure they're confused

"Stop staring at me"

Everyone's eyes shot open, shocked that I could speak

"Come sit down but keep your distance please"

All three of them rushed over to the couch and sat down

"If you have questions go ahead and ask"

Nick started "are you okay? I mean if course you're not but are you?"

I smiled. He's so funny when he's nervous

"Yes Nick I'm okay, I feel safe now"

Then Matt took a turn "how did it happen, can you explain everything"

"I was trying to get away from everyone downstairs so I went upstairs and kept walking till I found an empty room I was about to leave when I noticed no one was in there but then Adam appeared. And it happened. I asked him to stop but when do they ever.."

"I could never imagine how horrible that must have been for you. I'm so sorry we dragged you there" Nick said

"No no don't blame yourselves it wasn't anyone's fault only the person who did that to me"

"Are you tired, hungry, do you need anything"

"No really I'm okay. I just can't be alone with my thoughts I'll freak myself out"

"Don't worry we won't leave you alone unless you need to be"

"Is there anything you wanna do to get your mind off of it"

I look at Chris and his eyes are glued to me. His eyes are completely glossed over my heart breaks for him

"Actually I think I need to be alone with Chris for a little bit"

"Oh yeah sure, we can order food what do you want"

"Whatever you wanna get I'm okay with"

"Okay" Nick and Matt walked away and Chris stayed in his spot

"You can move a little closer it's okay"

"Are you sure, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable"

"Yeah I'm sure"

As he got closer I didn't feel scared, or uncomfortable I feel safe and thank god for that.


"I think I should stay here"

"Chris. It's okay"

"You say it is but I don't wanna scare you"

"I promise you you'll never scare me"

He sat down right next to me and waited patiently for me to talk

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Me? You're asking if I'm okay"

"Yeah. I know this effected you too"

"And you fucked him up pretty bad"

"I wanted to kill him y/n I know that sounds so violent and I'm not like that but when I seen him on you I couldn't help but want to hurt him as much as he hurt you"

"And I will forever love you for that"

"God y/n" he said his voice breaking

"I'm so so sorry"

"Hey no no it's okay"

I hate seeing him cry it hurts me in ways I can't understand

I opened my arms and leaned forward to hug him

He hesitated but then wrapped his arms around me

His body shook every time he cried

"It's okay bug I'm okay"

"I feel so terrible, I wasn't there to protect you"

"What happened to me could've happened to anyone else tonight you can not blame yourself for anything"

We pulled away from each other and his face is red with tears

"Please don't cry" I said wiping his tears away

"You almost killed that guy for me"

"I wish I could physically give you that emotions I felt when I seen him like that"

"I know bug but don't worry about it anymore you have me and I'm never going anywhere"

"Even if you wanted too I'd never let you. I'll protect you with my life"

"I love you"

"I love you too, Chris"


Everyone has pretended to forget about what's happened and we're all laughing while playing headbands. Nick ordered McDonald's and it SLAPS.

Chris is absolutely obliterating Matt at this game I feel bad but it's so funny.

Chris insisted that I sit in his lap the whole night which I'd never deny. I feel the safest when I'm with these three boys. I know they would protect me with their life and I would do the same. I couldn't have asked for anyone better. I'm so so thank for for them.


800 words.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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