Chapter 100: Sisters

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"Wangfei, the Jingsi Hall over there said she want to see you."

Lin Wei Xi carefully wiped Rui Yang's mouth. She always liked to spit bubbles after drinking milk. Lin Wei Xi paused when she heard what Wan Yue said, "Did she say it herself?"

"Yes." Wan Yue bowed her head in response. In fact, these words should not be passed on to Lin Wei Xi. At first Gao Ran frantically said that she wanted to see Lin Wei Xi. The guard maid just treated her as being fanciful and ignored her. However, after ten days passed, Gao Ran still unyieldingly shouted to see Lin Wei Xi, and her appearance became more and more crazy. The guard maid was frightened, so without better option she had to send the message to Jingcheng Courtyard. Of course Wan Yue was not happy when she heard this, but the guard maid who couldn't bear it came again once more and said that Shizi Consort's condition was very scary. It was best for Wangfei to know these matters. Wan Yue ponder over it, fearing that there was something serious, so she passed the words to Lin Wei Xi.

At this time, almost a month had passed. Gao Ran was stimulated on the day Rui Yang had third day washing ceremony. When her words finally handed over to Lin Wei Xi, Lin Wei Xi's confinement was over.

According to reason Lin Wei Xi would not pay attention to such crazy talk, but today Lin Wei Xi didn't know what happened. She held her daughter and walked slowly in the room, then gently put Rui Yang on the small bed, her voice was casual and light: "When this happened?"

"On the day Junzhu had the third day washing banquet. Perhaps that one heard the salute when the palace came to give Junzhu Longevity Lock, and this make her crazy."

Wan Yue felt that Gao Ran was just pretending to be mad. The womenfolk who were detained for a long time all become sick. Gao Ran must have been stimulated by the third day washing, and then she madly wanted to see Wangfei. If Wan Yue could say, she did that, Wan Yue didn't think Gao Ran really had anything to say to Wangfei.

"Look after Junzhu carefully. Before going to bed she just had milk, so she should be able to rest for a while. But be careful not to let her eat her hands. These are small problems but you can't let her get used to it."

Wan Yue was surprised when she heard this: "Wangfei, you..."

"Since the guard maid passed on the words, she must have been harassed by her. She was confined in the Buddhist Hall for half a year, pondering over her mistakes behind closed doors every day, I'm not sure if she really has anything to say."

Wan Yue didn't think their Shizi Consort was a person who could repent. But since Lin Wei Xi said so, Wan Yue could only comply: "Yes."

Wan Yue brought Lin Wei Xi's cloak over, and when she left the house she opened the umbrella. It was May now, but Lin Wei Xi had just been out of confinement, the maids still dare not let Lin Wei Xi get blown by the wind.

In the southwest corner of the mansion, a high wall separated the two worlds. Lin Wei Xi immediately felt a gloomy cold as she walked into the Buddhist Hall. It was already May, outside there were grasses everywhere and birds were flying full of vitality, but this place seemed to have been forgotten by the spring. The guard maid walked to the door and respectfully pushed open the door of Jingsi Hall: "Reporting to Wangfei, Shizi Consort is inside."

"Well, go on then."

Lin Wei Xi waved to the maid, and the guard maid retreated behind the door with her hands down. Wan Yue took the umbrella and was about to enter the door with Lin Wei Xi, but was stopped by Lin Wei Xi: "You all wait outside."

Wan Yue was really taken aback: "Wangfei?"

"It's alright, I'll just go in by myself. It's just across the door, if there's anything you can immediately push the door, nothing will happen."

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