Twenty Nine

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My eyes shoot open when I hear sounds in the kitchen. It takes me a second to remember that I'm not in my normal bedroom, which means that's not Katerina. She doesn't even know that Cornelia exists.

Turning over, I grab my phone from the side table, checking to see what time it is. Eight in the morning. Who the fuck is here?

I'm about to get up, holding my phone ready to call 911. My first thought is Christian. How the hell did he find me? He always manages to find me at some point, but this is insane.

The door to the bedroom opens, making me jump and yell.

"Woah! Good morning to you too..." Harry's voice teases, an amused laugh accompanying it.

Finally I look over, not quite sure if I'm still in some sort of weird dream. But sure enough Harry is standing in the doorway, holding a plate of food and a mug full of coffee. He looks too... awake for eight in the morning.

"What time did you get here?" I mumble, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes as I sit up against the headboard.

"What do you mean?" He passes me the mug and once I take a sip and set it down, he hands me the plate. God this man knows how to cook.

"I mean, what time did you arrive at the apartment this morning? I didn't hear you come in."

He quirks his brow up, a light confused smile on his face. "Iz, I slept here last night. Don't you remember?"

I nearly choke on my bite of scrambled egg when he says that. "You did?"

"Yeah." He laughs, going back toward the kitchen to get his mug and plate but he continues to talk. "You fell asleep and I didn't feel right leaving when you weren't feeling okay. So I just stayed to make sure you were good."

Oh right, the thunderstorm. I really fucking hate thunder. "I'm sorry H, you should've just left. You didn't have to stay, I was fine."

He sits down next to me on the bed and it's only then that I notice how slept in the bed looks on that side. "You were not fine. Really, it wasn't a big deal at all. This bed is actually really comfortable."

"What about Ottie? Didn't you have to get home to her?"

"Her nanny was with her. The storm was really bad so I figured I was better off waiting it out and ended up falling asleep. I have to get over there soon to let her go home." He checks the time on his phone before putting it back down.

"Yeah, you probably made a good call..." I look down at the food on my plate. "Thanks for breakfast."

"Of course, Isabella." He smiles before taking a sip from his coffee. "Are you sure you're alright after last night? You seemed pretty shaken up."

My heart pounds in my chest as I push the eggs around my plate with my fork. With a deep breath, I shrug. "Yeah, I um..." He's quiet as I try to find the words. "My parents... When I was in high school there was a storm... We were coming home from the movies and it was late."

I've never had to tell anyone this before. Most people in my life already know. In Brynn's case, she found out through Christian of all people. It's hard bringing it all up again, but he deserves an explanation after seeing me like that last night.

"We got in an accident. Drunk driver ran a red light and the rain made visibility even worse. My dad died on impact and my mom... they did everything they could but she had lost too much blood by the time the emergency response came."

I don't even want to look at him. I know he probably has this pitiful look in his eyes. I've grown used to people looking at me in that way.

"Isabella... I'm so sorry..." His voice is quiet, genuinely sounding sad for me.

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