Character Aesthetics

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   Lila Loredo

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Lila Loredo. She/her.

A talkative girl who was recently hired as an assassin for an underground crime organization. I mean, she needs the money even if it means committing a horrible crime. Rising from a rough childhood of running and hurting, she's determined to make some money to leave home. Lila's a funny girl with a rough life and soon, a killer.

 Lila's a funny girl with a rough life and soon, a killer

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   Matt Morales. He/him.

   He's a soft boy, kind and caring with every inch of his heart. Extremely overprotective and loyal, like a bullmastif. Matt just wants to be accepted and heard. Which, his father can't seem to give him. As a result of his somewhat disastrous life, he's a homicidal sweetheart

 As a result of his somewhat disastrous life, he's a homicidal sweetheart

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   Nicole Achlys. They/them

   A jokester through and through with tons of emotional baggage. Nicole can make a crowd burst out laughing or drop dead within moments. Being deep-hearted is one of their many great strengths next to their distinct charming goofiness. Currently, is missing.

 Currently, is missing

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  Evaline Santos. She/her.

  Fierce and feisty, like a Lion. That's Eva. With her recently adopted child going missing, she's ready to cause a ruckus. With every step of hers, she seeks power and security. For those two things and her loved ones, she's more than ready to kill. Certified badass.

    Wanda Bullard

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    Wanda Bullard. She/her

    An easygoing assassin employed by a secret black market. For a killer, she's weirdly peppy and laidback. You'd have to have the guts to double-cross her. Yet, she's somewhat of a two-face herself. To most, is a very charismatic young lady but to those who don't deserve it, she's the exact opposite.

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