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second pov ofc ofc

Despite yourself, you'd let a week pass after the night you shared with Miko. It flew by so quickly you could barely even adjust yourself, let alone notice the hesitance in Miko's eyes before she complimented you or the way her hand lingered a bit shorter on your hip when you were out in public. While you'd gone back to 'normal' (whatever that was anyway) it was inherently obvious there was something off. You tried to brush it off...everyone was like that after what the two of you did..right?

Well, you didn't know. But Miko said it didn't mean anything- so why worry?

But honestly you weren't really thinking about that, rather the fact that even as she hugged you- you were near tears. Why were you near tears? Nothing had happened that deserved tears—

"It meant nothing to me." You had to admit the words were rather cruel. And Miko said it with such a straight face- as if it really was true. Well, of course it was true- you two were fake dating. So, you supposed it was normal to feel a sort of..gut wrenching pain everytime you looked at her.

What sucked the most was not being able to go to anyone about it. You desperately wanted to talk to the group, or even just Yoimiya regarding your relationship problems, but you couldn't. So now, as you clenched your pen firmly between your teeth, you felt completely alone despite the group study session surrounding you.

Well, alone was a stretch- due to Lumine's nagging.

"Y/n you're only gonna get dumber if you don't pay attention to Ayaka," She teased, poking you with the bitten eraser end of her mechanical pencil. "When you fail Miko won't want to date you 'cuz your so dumb~"

"Lumine, stop." Aether waved.

"It's true!" The blonde countered, crossing her arms. "She'll be all: 'oh y/n/n my little baby snookums~ you are far too dumb for someone of my goddess status and i'm afraid we can no longer go at it on your moms fine cutlery~' or something."

You lightly jab Lumine back. "That's absolutely vile."

"You're right," Lumine brought her hand up and snickered. "She wouldn't let you even an inch near her body if she knew you were so scatter brained~"


Lumine rolled her eyes at her brothers nagging but smiled anyway and rested her head in her hands. "So are you gonna tell us what's up with you? This whole week you've been-" She whistles while bringing her hand down from high in the air- and then makes a loud explosion noise.

"Oh my.." Kokomi breathes, chuckling behind her hand.

"I-" You stop, remember your situation, and sigh. "It's nothing."

"It's not, and you know that." Lumine nods, her joking expression softening slightly. "What's up?"

You bite your lip, feeling the weight of the others' eyes on you. You shuffle, before an idea hits you. "Hold that thought," You mutter, grabbing your phone. Sure, you couldn't tell your friends or anyone else who went to your school about your issues- but there was someone else you could contact. Someone who luckily for you, went to the school halfway across town.


"Thanks for agreeing to meet," You mumble, rubbing your neck. "I know it's like super weird, and sudden given our uh...history. But I really had no one else to go to."

Eula shrugged. "It's fine. But what was so pressing you had to come to me and not one of the others?" She questioned, tucked in a bright red hoodie with bunny like ears on the hood.

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