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        Bruting hands with popped veins and thick knuckles held cheap yellow pot holders, slipping a baking sheet from the heated oven rack. Scales flexed on his forearm as he bent his elbows to clink the metal tray to the stovetops' coil burners. The perfume of vanilla dough intoxicated anyones lungs in this terrapin household. 

Shining star - Earth, Wind and Fire playing in the background 

The camera panned up from the callused thumbs to show the blood red mask tails dangling along thick pectorals of stone.. to pan up more showing the cut-yourself jawline to finally meet those cucumber water eyes lowered in thought and some focus as he removed the heated dough from the cookie sheet with a spatula too small for his hand; more fit for a woman. 

Black feminine boots clicked upon the stone floor with a soft pop of her denim calves.. 

Watercolor eyes rose up passed scarlet rags of a mask with kanji threads. Pupils dilated smaller--- to grow back into place with a sponge-like reflex of deep algae greens mixed in with frosted pine sealed behind. 

A sway of soft shoulders wearing faux yellow leather with a grey hoodie popping out from under a waterfall of auburn curls that shined like fresh coffee. 

Plush lips of emerald leather parted having his neck extend in breath with a deep shadow indent along his chin... 

Nostrils flared to have them relax back into place.. The perfume of a woman he found to be a happiness pill to pop whenever she was around, sent him on cloud 9. 

He turned his head over his shoulder with a tilt of his shoulders following him making his leather neck skin stretch to see the beauty. His pupils grew as his lungs swelled. 

April walked passed the couch with Casey near her side, to show the chonky Leonardo sitting on the couch.. The camera stood still on Leo as her heels walked away to watch as he was comfortably leaned back into a cushioned couch with one leg laying along the other as he scraped a highlighter pen against cheap book paper. "Hey" He greeted busily..    The Echoes of Casey and April replying back "Hey - Sup"

April walked up to the "friendliest" of the turtles.. or at least towards her. Her pouted lips flipped into a big smile as she walked up opening her arms for Raphael having him chuckle with a big grin himself making his adams apple bounce a little. He walked a few large steps to have his arms open wide as he wore an apron. Casey following not far behind on April. His arms subconsciously crossing as he unintentionally bulged his biceps doing so with a puff of his chest as he exhaled calmly as he watched his girlfriend hug a brute.  Raph's fangs shined in glee as he nuzzled his chin onto her shoulder as her coconut perfume fluffed up into his face from her hair conditioner. Casey's teal eyes turned away as his feet lead him away having him blur in the camera itself, as Raphael/April unblurred in the background to show a deep shadow in Raph's thick brows as his eyes glowed sweet green through the darkness of his own disgust.. His lips were furrowed in dismay showing the deep lines in his nose wrinkles; which in a strangers eyes would make him appear to be 35 already.  Aprils small arms moved slightly to allow him to act accordingly. He lowered his arms to rub at his black sweat pants from his own palmsweat. He smiled nervously as his chest rose up and down to stare at her a little too long as he finally came back to reality. "I uh-m.. " with a clear of his deep warming vocals "I made some cookies if you'z want any." his new yorker accent slipped a moment.  "I can tell it smells amazing down here. But we came to get Casey's phone from Donnie and then we're heading for a family dinner with the Jones." She tilted her jaw delightfully with a girly drawl to her vocals. "Well how about I just get you one?" he offered "Come on- Come on-" he walked away from her with a sway of his hulking shell as he came around the island table top Donnie made since 2016.    She smiled amused with him and his antics to look over at Casey from afar... to then look back at Raphael as she finally gave in. Her small boots clicked as she came closer to see Raphael turn around-- his large arm by full accident punched into her boob making her back up with a yelped hitch to grasp her chest as she stabilized herself enough to not fall. The happy glow in his eyes dwithered to have his lips part "Ape- Oh god Im sorry-" he held the cookie in a papertowel for her to have her eyes watered from the pain that was too easily made due to her softness. "Raph- Its fine--" "No its not, here--" his soft doctoral side mixed with family-nurturing came into play.. Not to mention his animal innocence of wanting a human to feel better. His natural naive-ity of having big compassion and sympathy. He put the cookie down and rose his hand to her side to have his thumb under her breast not actually touching it. Her heart sped up and not entirely in an admiring way as she could feel his breath near her. "Raphael.." her voice stern with unpleasantness..  Steps were heard as Raphael's more socially acceptable side came out to realize...he shouldn't be holding her like this.. His eyes lowered as he pressed his lips together licking them from the inside of his mouth as he caught the whiff of Casey's minty-Cinnamon cologne. "Whats going on.." Casey asked before he lost his cool. Casey temperament was rising pretty quickly seeing his future fiance being groped by a man much bigger than himself.. April Pulled herself from Raphael as her eyes matched the color inside of them... cold and distant. April's blues judgingly look away with a curl of her shined pink lip as she; even being around them for almost 10 years.. She didn't understand them deep down. Who they actually wear.. No one would. Casey stared at Raphael as he lifted his sleeved arm up and wrap it around April as they walked away; as if saying mentally You'll never have her.    Raphael's eyes stared as they walked away to have his stomach curling and eating itself. His lungs hurt from the anxiety of that moment. It wasn't even because he was so closer to her, That he could kiss her if he wanted to.. It was the moment of knowing he did something inhuman.. keeps coming to the surface and reminding him of who he is and why he can't ever have her. Especially for her safety.. but thats not it.. She didnt want him. She doesn't see him like that. .. His eyes lowered to have his one fang graze his lower lip as he exhaled from his nostrils with a curl of his fist to let a soft growl leave him... He ripped off his apron as he turned his heels and walked away with adrenaline rushing through him.. Throwing his apron at the couch next to Leo. Splinter slowed down to watch his son tempered at the moment huff off and leave the home through the old train station opening... Splintered big glass brown eyes turned to show off the cookies set on the counter ready for her.. again. His ears lowered to blink .. he lifted his eyes up to the couch to scratch his nails as he walked up to it..Picking up the apron he folded it over his arm.. "How long will he keep this up?" deep vocals asked to have Splinter raise his eyes to meet his blue eyed son, Leo.
     Leo's question held discomfort and disappointment on Raph's end that he keeps coddling April and acts like a second boyfriend to her.

Outside in New York:

A taxi door huffed shut on this cool autumn night as the lights gleamed off the mirror buildings. "You alright?" Casey asked April in the tinted back seat of a taxi. "Yeah I'm alright." She rubbed her side under the yellow jacket. "Just a bit sore." She admitted through her big girl attitude. "I don't like how he treats you." Casey told her once again in the relationship. April smiled amused "I told you He see's me more as a mother. There is nothing to be concerned about.. Besides-" She cracked a crooked smile "-Are you honestly worried about a pet turtle taking me?" She chuckled.. Casey smiled feeling silly now as he shook his head to look away "no--" He turned his stubbled jawline back at her "No I guess I'm not."     Her polished nailed lifted up and laid on his knuckles to curl her fingers into his.

       Bandana mask tails flipped up in the winds .. He sat upon a rooftop through the honking below as he rubbed his fingers along the key to the city he earned. A beautiful totem to how he saved the world. The presidential seal melded onto it.   His thumb tracing the R along the Name embellishment (RAPHAEL)  plated in gold. His fingers let it drop to the rooftop like a corn chip. Worthless. A metal tinging echoed softly through all the noise around him. He pinched his nose bridge with a clinch of his teeth to inhale through the grit of his teeth like he was sprayed with pepper spray.

To be Continued...

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