Finally Out

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Survivors Fluff


Krow-> it/its
Graecie-> she/her
Acho-> they/them
Magic-> she/her
Spidey-> she/her
Red-> he/him


After years of trying, they were finally out, even they didn't know how they got out, but they just did. Graecie looked up to the sky, they were sure it's real this time. Then she looked at her friends, who are just some people. "We finally made it." said Acho, even tho they lost their friend, Kyle, they were happy to get out. "So, guys. Should we stay together or just you know, go and do what we should do?" asked Acho. Graecie just smiled and simply said "We should be together, no matter what." the rest of the group agreed except for one, Krow. "For God's sake! I can't deal with you guys again! I'll just go to my own path." everyone looked at it, their smiles falling off. "Krow, please. We can't let you go alone, it's still dangerous." said Spidey, looking at Krow. Krow simply sighed and didn't say anything else.

After some time of deciding what to do, they thought just trying to find a village or some kind of humanity would be good. So, they started to walk around in that area. After some searching, Graecie finally realised something. It was some kind of light coming towards them, they thought it might be something bad, so they just hid in some bushes. After that light came closer and closer, they realised it was a human. They got up, seeing the human's face. It was a young lady with brown and blue hair. Krow looked at the strangely familiar face of the young lady. Then realised it was their friend, Magic. She looked at them with a smile, knowing who they are. "Hello again, guys." she said, looking towards Krow.

"Magic?! Is that really you?"

Krow looked at her with a rare smile. Magic just dropped the light and hugged her old friend, tightly. Krow hugged back, they all thought she was dead, so they would never guess to see her again. With Graecie clearing up her throat, Magic giggled and stepped back. "I missed you all so much." she said to them. After hugging to every member, Acho asked her where she came from. "Oh, I'm guessing you guys didn't saw the city some kilometres away. The citizens are very kind. Maybe we should head off before it becomes nighttime?" they all agreed to that, of course.

While walking towards the city, "So, what happened to STAR? Do you have any clues, Magic?" asked Spidey, being curious as always. Magic looked down and said "My father is one of them but even I don't know a thing about what they were up to." she then sighed and looked up to the sun which is just starting to go down. "Oh my... I'm so hungry, Graecie, do you have anything to eat?" asked Krow.Graecie opened her bag and told them they have no food left. So they thought walking faster would be a great choice.

  As they walked through a path, they saw some helicopters flying around and they were definitely STAR helicopters, looking for them. They just continued walking, they knew that the helicopters won't see them.

-Time Skip: Two Hours later-

  They finally made it to the city, Magic told them that she had somewhere to go and that they could stay here too. They had to accept it, of course. When they came to Magic's place they prepared dinner together, Graecie got the cooking of the main dish, Krow and Magic got the ingredients, Acho settled down the table and Spidey made some soup and salad.

After the eating time, they thought watching a movie would be great. So they watched The Maze Runner whose story was just like theirs, they didn't know if it was a consistent at this point but they didn't care anyways. While they were watching the movie, Krow fell asleep. So Acho had to carry it to the bedroom.

They all slept well.

Until now. Graecie hears the door ringing, so she runs to it and opens the door. She can't believe what she sees, it's a red businessman, whose name is Reddoons, he's a friend of them from the maze. "How did you managed to find us, Red?!" she asks, no answer. Red just comes inside the house and looks at everybody else whose here. They all look very confused at this point but then Krow starts to laugh and it says "Nice to see you too, Red." they all smile at him. Red starts to live here with them until he got a new house.

They live happily ever after.


I personally liked how this one turned out! I hope you liked it too. Have a nice day/night! See you on the next episode.

812 words

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