06-A deal with the devil

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Charlotte sat in the brew as she looked to see Chloe as she walked over "let me guess Damon?" She asked as Chloe looked to her and sighed

"Don't mention his name and that's not the problem right now. It's caroline" Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her sister and sighed

"Of course it is. Please say she hadn't been kidnapped by another family member has she" she asked as Chloe chuckled

"I wouldn't put it past her but no. Tyler bite her" Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her and frowned. She was in shock and frowned

"Are you kidding me. Fuck" Charlotte said as she ran a hand through her hair. She grabbed her phone from her jeans as she flicked through and stopped for a moment

"What is it" Chloe asked as she saw the look in her sisters face

"Nothing it's just a feeling I have I mean Tyler and caroline it's serious if say after dad and how he kidnapped her and here she is bitten by him after he revealed himself to his mom. I just have a feeling someone could be behind it" she said as Chloe said

"Really. You think he'd do that" Chloe asked as Charlotte shrugged as she looked to her sister

"I don't know all I know is I owe him a favour from last time and he knows I'm protective of my sister. Just...be careful as I wouldn't put it past time to try and do something to you. He knows how I feel over him and he'd do anything to get my attention" Charlotte said as she sent him a text saying that they needed to talk

Charlotte knew that something didn't seem right and how she didn't trust klaus one bit. But he may be a vampire but she knew that he wasn't going to walk all over her

Charlotte got home. She saw elena in her living room and rolled her eyes

"Our the way miss desperate" Charlotte said

"What are you doing here" Elena said as Charlotte looked to her and rolled her eyes

"This is my home. This is my sister bambi so don't even act high and nightly unless you want me to call klaus. There is something I know well and it's that klaus will do anything for me and unless you want me to offer you to him for much get out of my way. Hell out of my house, I am not in the mood for your petty high school drama and your sudden interest in Damon now that he wants my sister" Charlotte spat

She walked past her and walked into caroline's room. She looked fi her as she lay in bed. She pulled the covers off of her and smiled as she sat on the bed next to her

"I'm dying" she said as Charlotte looked to her and frowned

"No your not I am going to help you and you are going to be okay. Your my sister and it will be okay. Just rest okay" Charlotte said as she walked out of the room

She knew that she wasn't going to sit back and do nothing and she wasn't going to let her sister die because of it

Charlotte sighed as she walked into the house. She glanced around and frowned "klaus?" She called as he looked to her as she walked out of the room and into the hallway as she saw Klaus

He turned to face her and smirked "Lottie" he said as she looked to him

"What did you do? And don't fucking lie to me as I know that you did something to caroline. You got Tyler to bite her. What game are you playing" she asked as he looked to her and smirked

"I am not playing anything I have to test my loyalty" he said as the two of them held a look

"Your lucky I don't have a stake I'd kill you myself" she said as she turned to walk off as he suddenly stood in front of her as they held a look

"You won't stake me love, you want to know why. I am the one you come running to when you need something. Besides you owe me a favour" he said as they held a look

"You and your favour can jump off a bridge" she said as he walked her against the wall. The two of them held a look as he wrapped a hand around her throat

"I could snap your neck in a second. Yet you are not scared of me" he said as she looked to him

"What is it that you want" she asked

"A date" he said as he handed her an invitation

"A ball here? Really?" She asked as he nodded

"I'll save caroline's life tonight. If you agree to go with me" he said as she looked to him

"Fine. Not funny business though" Charlotte said

Klaus looked to her and smirked "soon you'll be begging me too touch you" he said before she walked off

Charlotte stood in the brew and sighed. She stood cleaning up and looked to see klaus as he walked in "I thought that you should know that your sister will be fine" he said as she nodded

"Thanks. I know that you always seemed to be saving my family it's something I can't seem to do"

"Don't be so hard on yourself" he said as the two of them held a look

"I got you something, it's for our date" he said as he handed her a box. She frowned as she took it from him. She looked to it and opened the box and looked to see a diamond bracelet

"I can't. It's too much" she said as she went to hand it back

"No. It's a gift no returns. I look forward to seeing you at my ball" he said as he walked off. She frowned as she looked up in the bracelet and sighed

Charlotte knew that her head was a mess. When it came to klaus but little did she knew of the impact he'd have on her

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