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quidditch: gone wrong

quidditch: gone wrong

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QUIDDITCH TRYOUTS, weirdly enough, came sooner than Esme anticipated. Working through schoolwork and trying to keep away from the pink toad, made the weeks roll by smoothly. She hadn't had any time to really talk to anyone besides short conversations with Axel, the twins and Lee at mealtimes, and Hermione, who studied with her and was quite good at potions, which helped Esme a lot. She was awfully dreadful at potions.

Now she was standing outside in the crisp, October weather of Scotland, shivering as she walked the path towards the quidditch pitch, bundling her Gryffindor scarf closer around herself.

Esme had much pride in herself. Her academics were astounding, her prank reputation was at its highest, and she was what most would call, moderately athletic. She wasn't the best, nor would she ever say she is, but all the years practicing with Axel helped her become quite the quidditch player.

Still though, she would admit she was a chicken when it came to trying out new things. She had felt confident when Fred and George had initially invited her to tryout, but as the weeks passed, Esme began thinking of all the reasons why she shouldn't.

There had been one time, when Esme was nine, she desperately wanted to try out for some muggle play that had auditions open in a local theatre. The play had been called Peter Pan, and her father had let her try out for a character named Wendy.  She had been practicing line for line weeks in preparation, and she had felt confident the day of auditions, until she stepped up on stage. Little nine year old Esme looked out into the crowd of parents, bright lights shining into her eyes and froze.

That was the day Esme Croft learned she had stage fright.

Needless to say, Esme had pondered on the idea of trying out for quidditch, only to be reminded of that incident.  So instead, she went to support.

Hermione had asked if she wanted to go and watch when they had been in the dorms studying for the upcoming charms exam. Esme had nodded, gathered her things and headed off to the pitch.

The girls had found a nice spot near the end of the pitch, inconspicuous to other watchers, and right behind the goal posts. She could see the players gathered in the center, collectively talking amongst each other.  "Where's Harry?" Hermione whispered. Not knowing if Esme was meant to hear or respond, she shrugged her shoulders.

"He's normally here by now, its five minutes till tryouts start." Hermione kept on.

"Maybe he's just running a bit later than usual." Esme offered, but the other girl just shook her head.

"He's been so off this year with everything, I'm not sure he even remembered tryouts were today." Hermione said.

Esme hadn't known Harry last year, but she had heard rumors of "The boy who lies" being whispered around the castle. Saying that Harry had lost it in that maze in the Tri-Wizard tournament, that Cedric Diggory's death was just a poor accident, but Esme like to credit herself as being quite observant. She has seen the look Harry sometimes let's slip from time to time.

Like he had witnessed death and evil one to many times.

"He'll be here Hermione, don't worry." Esme assured the bushy haired girl.

As if on que, Harry emerged from the locker rooms, making his way towards the center where everyone else was. "See, I told you he would be here." Esme pointed towards Harry. "Right on time too, punctuality must be his new thing.

Hermione snorted at that. "At least now we can get on with it. I'm not sure how long I want to watch Ron get pummeled for the third time trying out.

Esme lifted her brows. "Three times? Dear lord, I'm surprised he hasn't given up." She looked out towards where Ron was at the goals. "He's dedicated, I'll give him that."

"He's made the team, but always as a backup. He keeps trying out to earn the starting spot." Hermione said sadly. "It gets hard to watch sometimes because I know how much he wants that spot."

Esme looked at Hermione out of the corner of her eye. She had a feeling that Hermione had some feelings for Ron, what feeling exactly, she didn't know. The girl whether she'd admit it or not, always seemed to have her eyes drifting to the redheaded boy.

"I'm sure this is his year Hermione. He's going to get that spot. Esme said as she watched Ron head their way on his broom, stopping just a few feet away from the tallest goal posts.

The girl stood up and folded her hands around her mouth, shouting. "Let's go Ron! Kick some ass out there."  She laughed when Ron whipped his head in their direction, so she smiled at him, waving her hands frantically and giving him a thumbs up.  The boy smiled nervously at her and looked back onto the field.

Hermione was red faced by the time Esme sat down. Turning towards the dark-haired girl, she whisper-yelled."What was that for, Esme."

Esme looked at Hermione. "Ron is likely scared out of his wits trying out for the third time, he's most likely expecting to fail again." She explained. Knowing the feeling. "So, all he needs is some boost of confidence to help him. Better yet, maybe you should go give him a kiss, Hermione that may get his confidence boosting." Esme giggled while Hermione playfully shoved her arm, face red as a tomato.

The girls had been so lost in their playful banter; they hadn't heard the commotion in front of them until they'd heard the "WATCH OUT."

Esme swiveled her head, so fast she'd almost become Nearly Headless Nick. Seeing a quaffle head their way, she threw out her hands to block Hermione from the impact, closing her eyes in the process, Esme waited for the blow of the ball.

She never felt it.

Esme opened her eyes to see Harry on his broom, a few feet in front of her holding the quaffle in his hand. Looking at her in panic, and something else - awe maybe? Fright? she couldn't quite figure it out. Her brown eyes collided with his green ones.

"Harry, that's the wrong ball you've caught."


so, uh.... hey ya'll.

it's been like what? nearly 2 years since I updated this book. i am so, so sorry. i am willing to admit i lost the password to this account and couldn't retrieve it. that's my bad, but i'm back, and i've seen this fic has blown up in views now. and I am personally here to say that I am here to stay... so that we can finish the story together (without the 2-year intermission) this time.

I would also like to say, if anyone has any inspiration or skills (cause I be lacking) in making book covers or aesthetics or anything for this book or any of my other books dm me!! i'd love to see some artwork from you guys  and to get in touch with you :)

See ya next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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