New Adventure Awaits

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*Ethan's P.O.V*
I woke up frantically, again. It's been a few weeks since the Ms.Erin incident yet I still keep having nightmares about it, like alternate endings.. I haven't told the others, not even Toni. I have to remind myself sometimes that they're no real but that doesn't help. I was going to go back to sleep, but my necklace started glowing. Back to the black void to see mom again!

Ethan:Sighs "I definitely need to get used to that feeling when I get here."
Gina:Pops up behind Ethan "Hello-"
Ethan:Flinched "Ah!- Oh! Sorry mom!" Hugs
Gina:"It's alright, Ethan!" Hugs back
Ethan:Tilts head "Is this about the nightmares?"
Gina:Looks worried "Well, it's along those lines.. It's about Erin."
Ethan:Looks kind of annoyed, not at her, but just at the thought of Erin "Oh..."
Gina:"I know you don't like talking about her, but there's something you need to know. She's planning something, I'm not sure what, but it's not good.. She's after you, Ethan..."
Ethan:Slightly panicking "W-what?! Why?!"
Gina:"She knows I'm with you." Looks at the necklace then back at Ethan "You have to stop her, but for good this time.."
Ethan:Worried "I barely was able to stop her last time.. How am I gonna stop her now?.. She probably knows exactly what I'm thinking from the last fight...."
Gina:Smiles "I also wanted to explain that as well! You're going to meet some new friends soon, though they may need guidance, I think they might be able to help you."
Gina:"They're with Erin, so if I had to guess, they might be at that building."
Ethan:Thinks "*I forgot to look in those rooms... Maybe.."

Before I was able to think what I was trying to think, I was back in my bed. Looked like it was morning too, I was up before everyone else! Well, everyone except Toni.

Toni:Smiles "Hey, you're up! Finally! I thought I was gonna be the only one up again."
Ethan:Smiles "Morning Toni!"
Toni:"So whatcha wanna do today?? I thinking we can go to Kaitlin's house and ride her cat! OR OR! Maybe we can go to the park again! If it's empty, we don't need to get caught like last time. Those kids must have borrower senses or something!"
Toni:In a deep, Batman, type voice "My borrower senses are tingling..."

Eventually we both went down stairs to see what [Y/N] was up to, just drawing of course. It's cool to watch though, they're very good a drawing! I was debating if I should tell them what my mom told me or not but I decided not too, at least not at that moment. Then something hit me, Ms.Erin was talking about a project she was doing. Though I still don't know what that is, I think that might have been what mom was talking about when she said she was up to no good again. I thought she learned her lesson last time but I guess not... I didn't need everyone panicking about it, so I made a plan. Since that building isn't too far, unless a 15 minute borrower walk is considered far, I might be able to sneak there tonight without anyone knowing. For now, I just had to wait til the day was over and everyone was sleep. Then I can figure how to stop her for good. I was too nice last time letting her go, so now I've gotta make sure it doesn't happen again...

[A/N]:GUESS WHOS BACK, BACK AGAIN?! BORROWED LUCK'S BACK!!! TELL A FRIEND >u< In all seriousness though I'm excited to write this series again ^^

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