2. actually meeting and plot stuff.

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same color as his(Grian's) eyes
"His hair, it hangs on his neck,"
"His eyes as red as fire,"
"My happiness may attend him wherever he may go~" there was yet another voice that made Scar look less in control.
"From tower hill to blackwall,"
"I'll wonder, weep, and moan,"
"All for my jolly sailor,"
"Until he sails home,"
and while Scar was singing that someone else hopped in too but stopped when Scar had a small red glow to his eyes.

*squeezes Scar's had to make sure if he's still there mentally or not.*
Welp here we goo

*Squeezes back after he got himself back together*-Scar

*Has a small smile* "glad you're back to yourself Scar now where are they because I don't see anyone."

"Give them a few they have to get through everyone or just simply getting the whole family together"-Scar

"Right and how big is your family? I'm guessing 2 cousins and 1 sibling?"-Grian

"Not quite, 3 cousins and four siblings including my twin that you know that you would think is my twin."

"Hold on- you have a twin that I know? Is it someone on this server? OR-" Grian was cut off by scar chuckling.

"What are you laughing at Scar last time I checked you were a mess when you met him?" Someone popped up their head out of the water and Scar kinda looked like a blushing mess.

"And you shouldn't be talking either because last time I checked you were a mess over someone you just met that day to the pair that you wanted to marry them, Destiny" Scar shot back with a hint of joy in his voice.

"Well to be fair she was a very hot person." Destiny gave scar a look and they started laughing together.

"Children, I think he would like a family round up before you guys decide to act like how you were before Scar decided to run off and follow someone we thought he couldn't have."

"Oh right, sorry mom." Scar let go of Grian's hand and Grian immediately went to grab Scar's hand again.

"Sweetheart you know I was going to grab your hand again after I got rid of this tail because it was starting to hurt my arm to hold my arm up for that long" Scar said after realizing what Grian was doing.

"But I didn't want to wait too long" Grian watched scar stand up after putting his necklace back on and grabbing his hand again.

"Mhm, now" Scar looks over to his mom and sister again "is everyone here or were you guys the only ones to come see the favorite child" Scar said the last part of the sentence with a little bit of sarcasm and when he did say that looked over to where Grian was and looked down a little down.

"Scar I swear to gods if you're looking at my ass, you are sleeping on the couch."Grian said with the type of tone that said he wasn't joking while looking at scar's face through the corner of his eye.

"Well I hope you know I wasn't looking at your ass I was instead looking at your neck."

"Why the fuck are you looking at my- oh yea that."

Grian meets Scar's parents.Where stories live. Discover now