3 「N O - W A Y」 7

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point of view

𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, Jacob's furrowed and confused expression stopped as he made eye contact with no one other than Sam Uley, the boy almost immediately realizing what was going on.

Now that he thought about it, it was although not obvious, it made sense that Sam and his crew were shifters like himself, their drastic change matched his perfectly.

"Welcome to the club kid, happy to see you shifted back," Sam spoke calmly as he looked at the younger teen, who would one day, maybe soon, become his alpha. "mind stepping out of the car?"

Hearing his words Jacob couldn't help but glance down at Catherine, who had used her tracksuit top to cover her unexposed breast at the moment.

"I'm a little preoccupied at the moment." Jacob said taking another glance down at Catherine, even at this moment his dick was still docked inside of her.

"Yeah, we heard." Paul snarled from his position furthest away from the car, he was so close to shifting over this whole situation.

Someone else had imprinted on his imprint, he didn't even know something like that was possible, but the moment Jacob looked over to him there was no doubt.

It wasn't an imprinting vision like when either of them had first looked into Catherine's eyes, it was more like a complacency of having the other with them.

However, neither of them knew the reason behind this was because Catherine hadn't chosen yet, whether she wanted a lover, brother, or protector of Paul.

But when she does the feeling would change along with their bond through imprinting.

"Yeah, it seems as though you and Paul have something to discuss." Sam said after clearing his throat, his eyes glanced from Paul who was biting his nails, and a confused yet complacent Jacob.

Although inside of the mini-cooper, hearing the mention of 'Paul' Catherine's eyes almost immediately lit up as she hadn't seen the man since she'd been in his car.

"Paul?" Catherine asked curiously before she quickly sat up in her seat, although she forgot that Jacob was still situated inside of her, as her movements only caused him to slip a bit deeper.

Causing a small squeak to come out of her mouth as she moved underneath Jacob, her head sticking out of the window along with his after she paused for a moment.

The woman had to adjust to him suddenly being as deep in her as can be from behind, but after she did was when everything seemed to take a sharp turn.

As Catherine made eye contact with Samuel Uley, causing another round of imprint to occur.

Sam almost immediately gulped as the wave of visions came over his mind, seeing the two of them working and building on a house together, then sitting in the same house on a large couch in winter drinking hot chocolate.

Just those two visions would have been enough to satisfy Sam for life, all he wanted was someone to truly grow old with if need be, meaning human, but that didn't stop the next visions from coming.

The first one was the two of them in the shower, gently washing each other with both soap and kisses as they made love in the shower on an early morning.

Then they were sitting in a large backyard on top of a large number of pillows, covers, and snacks as they cuddled up with a large number of kids and other people, however, only two of the other people's faces were clear.

It was Jacob and Paul.

"No fucking wa-" Jared began to laugh as he realized that not only did Jacob and Paul imprint Catherine, but Sam did as well yet his laughing didn't last long.

As he made eye contact with Catherine, mostly just to see who was able to lock down three of the most powerful people in his pack.

Yet the moment he did, Jared began to imprint Catherine himself, the young man laughing slowly coming to a stop as a happy shock was blatantly written on his face.

At least that was before the vision began to overtake him, the first one being of the two of them laying on the bed with Catherine on his chest, whilst he laid off on the edge of the bed to play video games.

The two just enjoyed each other's presence rather than truly interacting, then there was one where they were playing together and having the most fun just laughing as he taught her how to play despite her already secretly knowing how.

Then there were the two of them tucked off away in what looked like a garden, they were making love on top of a large picnic blanket, the two of them just entranced in their love as they were surrounded by vegetables and flowers.

Then there was the last one, it was them in what looked like a homemade living room projection movie theater-type thing, but it wasn't just them.

There were a couple of others, children as well, but of the adults, the only faces Jared could make out were Jacob, Paul, and Sam.

"No," Paul almost immediately shouted as he realized what was going on, only Catherine and Jacob being confused by the whole situation. "fuck no I refuse!"

"Paul." Sam spoke trying to calm down the usual hot head, this was not the time that he needed to burst into a giant raging werewolf, especially not in front of their imprint.

"How the fuck did both of you imprint on my damn imprint?!" Paul continued to yell instead of listening to what Sam had to say, even as he began to shake an obvious sign of shifting.

"Paul." Sam spoke again trying to get his beta to calm down, his words working as Paul only started breathing heavily rather than yelling and shouting.

"You're imprint," Jacob asked curiously from the car, he remembered his dad's old stories, he knew what an imprint was and he knew Catherine was only supposed to be his. "coulda sworn I was the one balls deep inside her."

Hearing Jacob's obvious teasing Paul's nose almost immediately flared as he started stomping towards the car, however he was quickly stopped as Sam jumped in front of him.

The current Alpha was quick to stop his delta from moving any closer to the car, not wanting him to upset or embarrass them in front of their imprint.

"Paul," Sam spoke in his alpha tone, almost immediately causing the man, Jared, and even Catherine to bow their heads at his words, however as Jacob bowed he didn't feel as compelled to. "we'll discuss this back at the house."

Looking at his current Alpha then his his future Alpha, Paul couldn't help but scoff before turning away from the four of them to head back toward the woods.

Quick to shift into his wolf form to run home as per his alpha's orders, after getting those orders there wasn't anything else Paul could do, but obey.

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