Chapter 3- living with the band

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Andy didn't leave when I told him to. He's been sitting here with me for 10 minutes now. He's giving me space but he's still right beside me. I like Andy's company. At first I felt bad. Now I feel better.

I look over at Andy. It seems like he was zoned out. He can feel my eyes on him though, because he looks back at me and smiles.

"Are you okay now?"

I nod at him and lean up against the wall. Tears are still rolling down my cheek but slower now.

"Do you mind if I stay here with you a little longer?" Andy asks me. He looks so cute when he's concerned.

I nod again and smile this time. I don't want him to leave anymore.

"Listen, Adam. I don't understand your problem because I'm not gay, but I'm here for you."

Andy's voice starts to drown out. I knew he didn't like guys but it hurt to hear. I never had a chance with him even if he was into boys.

"I do get the bullying though. I know it feels like it, but you're not alone. I know we just met, but I can tell you're a great guy, Adam. I'm sorry they don't understand you. The best you can do is be yourself and never apologize for it."

"Thanks, Andy," I sniffle. "I'm really sorry about all this."

"Didn't I say not to apologize?"

We both laugh. I'm gonna miss having Andy around when he leaves today.

"Hey, you wanna come stay with me and my band for a while? So you don't have to live in this... dumpster."

I look at him with wide eyes. Does he really want to take me in with him? I doubt it's personal, he would do this for anyone in need. But he wants me to live with them nonetheless. I start to tear up again. Some tears filled with gratitude, some with self-hatred.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Andy."

"Oh, come on, we could use a another friend," Andy says, a smile creeping on his perfect face. Something I can't possibly say no to.

"Okay," I chuckle, wiping away my tears.

Andy stands and holds his hand down for me to grab. I take his hand and he pulls me up. To my surprise, but not misfortune, Andy pulls me into a tight hug and rubs my back. I surrender and bury my face in his chest.


We arrive at a house I can only assume is Andy's. On the way, he explained that the band is going on tour in about a month. While everyone is getting everything ready, all the boys are staying with him.

Andy opens my door for me. I smile at him and thank him. A familiar face comes to the door as me walk down the driveway. I can tell right away that it's Jinxx. I've been a fan of Black Veil Brides since the beginning of the band.

We arrive at the door and Jinxx opens it. CC jumps up behind him, grabbing his shoulders. I wish I had that energy. After CC comes Jake and Ashley, who I can tell did not expect a guest.

"Boys, this is Adam."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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