The Showers

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Sorry to everyone who wanted this chapter to be a Draco Smut, I thought Theo needed some love❤️


How could he. HOW DARE HE!!

Theodore Nott, my best friend, well ex best friend, told half the school that I was a virgin. Key word, Was.

I know your probably thinking "it's no big deal, so what they know your a virgin" but it is a big deal, because not only did he tell them I was a virgin but he then told them about how I slept with Ron Weasley when I did lose my virginity.

For a popular Slytherin girl, sleeping with Ron Weasley is embarrassing in so many ways.


I was walking down the hall and towards the boys locker room, extremely angry with Theo, when I bump into someone.

I look up to see Mattheo Riddle and he just chuckles before saying, "Have fun with Weasley did you?"

"Shut the hell up Riddle" I say with spite before continuing on to the locker rooms.

As I get to the locker rooms I stop Infront of them and take a deep breath preparing myself to scream at the boy I thought I could trust most. Finally getting the courage I storm into the locker room and see that it's empty.

But then I hear the showers and boys laughing.

You better be ready Nott.

I storm into the shower area, ignoring all the naked boys as they cover themselves, and I walk right up to Theo. I tap his shoulder so he'll face me, and when he does I punch him right in the face.

"I fucking hate you Theodore Nott, your a piece of shit friend and a terrible person. I told you those things in confidence and you told half the school, what kind of person does that? Oh wait YOU. Your a shitty best friend and i don't ever want you to talk to me again"

I turn away from him, glad that he had a towel around his waist, and attempt to walk away, but he grabs my wrist, pulls me close to him, and then pushes me against the wall just beneath a shower head.

"You don't get to just come in here looking all hot and yell at me thinking there will be no consequences, Fallon" he says to me as he stares in my eyes.

"Yo dude get her out of here"

"The hell is you doin Theo"

"Bro we're tryna shower get her outta here"

"Come on dude we butt ass naked"

"Theo what the hell, let her leave so we can shower"

"Dude, if y'all gonna fuck go somewhere else"

The boys all protest to me being in the locker room showers.

"Get out, all of you. NOW" Theo yells at them and they all scramble out of the showers.

God they're such Pussies.

"What the fuck Theo, let go" I protest, trying to get out of his grip.

He leans down and kisses me before I even get the chance to try and say anything else. I was shocked at first but then kissed him back.

What was I thinking? I came here to confront him, not kiss him!

He wraps his hand around my neck as he whispers in my ear:

"Do you want to know why I told everyone about you being a virgin? It was because I wanted everyone to know you were untouched, Innocent if you will, and that I would be the one to do it, to take your virginity" He laughed a little before continuing.

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