Chapter Nine ㅡ Admiting My Feelings For You.

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"You don't have to. I did this to me, myself. "

Seungmin and Jeongin looked at each other, weired out by what the older had said.


Jeongin mumbled. Minho laughed and shook his at the two maknaes. "You idiots, I meant my finger. I mean that it's my fault I got hurt. "

Seungmin and Jeongin let out an 'ahh' of realisation before awkwardly laughing the situation away.

The rest of the car ride was filled with random talks, laughter, and discussion about their photoshoot. Minho knew the younger ones had no clue about what had happened in the studio earlier, and he decided to keep it that way.

Minho didn't know if the man was dead by now or not. There was a little sense of nervousness in him about the consequences of the outcome, but he decided not to think much about it for the time being.

And as the two maknaes talked, Minho found himself staring out the window, observing the racing world around him. The way the trees moved by, the cars swishing, it made him realise how quick time really went. It was almost surreal. He knew his actions couldn't be undone, and a part of himㅡ

No, actually, all of him regretted nothing.

The photographer was taking inappropriate photos of Seungmin, and before a crush, Seungmin was his fellow member, a member of Stray Kids, a human with self-respect and dignity, nobody deserved to be photographed like that.

Minho honestly didn't care if he was making a big deal out of the situation. He was more relaxed and laid back like nothing happened, although sometimes thinking about it made his skin crawl.


And just like that, in no time, they arrived home. Minho went to his room and quickly locked it behind him, feeling himself get a little drowsy after all that happened today.

He lay on the bed with a loud sigh, letting his eyes rest for a bit

''Y-yeah! No cameras here... but why-''

''W-what!? I didn't do anything. Lee Know-ssi!--''

''No! No! Please! Let me go, sir! Let me go--''

The man's cry again filled his ears, his eyes shot open. Minho sighed and rolled over on his bed, closing his eyes again.


''I didn't know something like that would ever happen, hyung...''

''They hate you now, hyung! All because of me!''

"Hyung... it was all my fault, wasn't it?"

Minho's eyes once again fluttered open as Seungmin's voice filled his ears.

His breath turned a little heavy, his chest heaving having been the living proof. Minho suddenly felt the room heat up, and his skin felt hot.

Slowly, the brunette closed his eyes again, letting his mind wander.

"Hyung, you're amazing! You look so cool while dancing! I wish I could dance like you!"

"Lee Know hyung, I tried to feed your cats last time, I think I'm improving better than before? Yeah?"

"Hyung~~ stop tickling me!! I can not breathe!"

"Lee Know hyung? I know you can do it. Don't be scared, okay?"

And all the memories of him and Seungmin hit Minho like a truck. He thought, everything was so much more better before the divorced concept.

Minho hated it.

He hated everything about it.

He hated the fact that he had to limit his interactions with the younger because of it. He hated the fact that he had to distance himself from Seungmin just to feed some other ships. He hated the fact that people hated seeing him and Seungmin be close. He hated the fact that people put a label on his and Seungmin's relationship. He hated the fact that people didn't ship them together.

Minho and Seungmin.


Why did people hate 2min so much?

Minho found himself getting hotter and hotter, feeling Seungmin invade his mind and capture every corner of it.

He threw all negative thoughts away, feeling every inch of his skin, every cell in his body, every organ, every nerve, screaming Seungmin's name over and over again.


Was all on his mind.

The younger's sweet voice entered his ears. He almost could hear Seungmin in his mind. And soon, his
familiar, sweet, intoxicating scent filled his nose, Minho found himself getting aroused as every second passed by.

Wasting no time, he quickly unbuckled his jeans, pulling it down in an instant. He massaged his clothed member slowly, getting drowned in Seungmin.

"Hyung, you remember our ramen dates? They used to be so fun! I wanna do it again!"

"Lee Know hyung~~ can you give me a piggyback back ride? Pleaseee?"

"Hyung!! I'm sorry I messed up the choreography again, I'm really sorry!"

The way Seungmin called him 'hyung' was a different kind of satisfaction. Like, it made him crave more. He wanted the younger to scream his name below him. He wanted to pull Seungmin's hair, bite on his neck, kiss his lips like no tomorrow, use his tongue, make him shake till he couldn't handle all the pleasure.

Minho finally took hold of his length, pumping it up and down slowly, letting out low and lewd moans.

The picture of him and Seungmin together was vidid in his mind. The perfect position, the slaps, and moans filling the air, the way Seungmin would scream out after each time Minho thrusted in him, the way his eyes would roll back in pleasure, the way he would shudder from overstimulation.

Minho fastened the pace of his hand, emitted moans each time the pleasure hit him hard. And soon, with an extreme knot on his lower region, he came with a loud moan.

His actions came to a halt, and his breath was as unsteady as before. A grin made its way towards Minho's lips, and he bit them to stop it from growing any wider.

"Kim Seungmin... I fucking love you. "

Hey guys!

This is my first note in this entire book lmao

Anyways, I now have a Spotify playlist for this book, go check it out! It's on my profile ^^

Note: each song for each chapter :))

That's it, thank you for reading!! <33

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