Mentality and obsession

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Hi guys. No, this chapter is not about the story. I needed to advice everyone who are dealing with mental stability. I think everyone had mental problems. With any situation! But I think most people with mental stability are girls( No hate boys ). Because everyone who joins high school, middle school or primary school, girls are always targeted. Especially by boys or mean girlies. Now I don't mean to say boys don't have mentality problems but speaking as girl I have to defend my gender. There have always been a bully here and there but this report is to girls who have hearts as glass. Now, I know most girls will receive comments such as: ' Your so ugly', ' You don't belong here', ' No boy will like a ugly girl.' etc. To be honest, I always get targeted because of looks and you all will be wondering why are looks so important to people. So listen up! YOU ARE NOT UGLY. People targeting you are probably just jealous or just like seeing so depressed. I know, I know like what people will like seeing you depressed or sad?? But the truth is, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL GIRL and I think your friends and family will agree and when I say friends I said REAL friends, not those fake friends who just want to talk about themselves or just wanna boast. Mean girls have NO social life whatsoever. Don't listen to them and just be yourself! You don't have to change because of them. I know that there are many girls out there who commit suicide because they keep getting bullied. Instead of changing, why not show who's boss? Keep this is mind, there are a lot of popular kids that don't have good grades or good talent. Study hard and practice hard! When you see yourself in the mirror in the future, your going to be very grateful you didn't spend your time on mean girls. They might be begging for forgiveness when you become more successful or more famous than them. Remember, you arent the only one who is fighting a battle. I have my own problems in mentality. But the true key to defend yourselves is showing who's boss! 

Now for the boys. I am not a boy so I don't know other reasons for boy depression but I have a few friends who are boys and they are always keen to advice you! Here are some advice of course. Now, for most of the boys they always get a comment saying : ' How are you even a boy?' ' Crybaby!' ' Your so fat!' 'You are not handsome' etc. Boys don't have a different situation from girls so the advice is going to be quite brief. As I said, dont even THINK about mean boys/ girls or people commenting on you. You just need to believe in yourself and always have faith in yourself! I have a friend who is a boy and he is always being teased for being very fat. But did he hide or end his life? NO! He stood up and just minded his own business. After a few years, he is always known to be excellent in physics and he is always always a favourite. He makes friends everywhere  despite his looks. So for every gender here, you have a beauty in your own way! 


I know there are people who wish they were their idols. But the truth is, Your so obsessed with their outer self than their inner self. Celebrities are human too! They have always worked hard to impress us and so they forgot about their health. Especially kpop idols. Korea have very high standards so most kpop idols will either quit or commit suicide. Remember! Life is precious! Life is something you cannot lose. Everything in the world is wonderful, everyone has only have a lifespan of 100 or less. You should take the time to appreciate life and the wonders! Its not wrong to look up to someone but remember that they work hard to reach success. After all! Success is no easy feat. Singers work countless hours to write a sing and create a rhythm. Do not ignore the hardwork, let alone give hate. 


My main purpose writing this is to remind all the people out there that every situation has a solution and to defend people who have been hated before or in the present. Its because I feel like I have to do this. If no one is going to defend them, who will? I hope you all learnt the truth. And so I have decided to give up the ask the wonderbolts theme. I think giving advice is more important than writing fanfiction. I'm sorry mpl fans but I'm signing out of the wonderbolt theme. I hope you all understand my intentions and still support me. Btw if all of you are wondering of my real name, Its Evelyn. 



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