2. Befriending Sasuke and Academy days

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Naruto found himself in his 6 year old body, walking at the bridge built near Naka-river. He looked to his left and saw Sasuke sitting on the deck with depressed aura.

"What a luck!" Naruto thought to himself. He approached Sasuke, knowing just the right thing to say to befriend him early.

"Uchiha Sasuke!" Naruto said in serious voice as Sasuke looked up to him.

Sasuke was surprised to see the blonde hair wishkered boy approaching him. He was in grief, because of his beloved brother Itachi, who had killed his whole family.

He remembered the boy's name was Naruto from academy, and that the boy was the deadlast. He had also seen that villagers treated Naruto with contempt and that he was very lonely, not unlike himself.

He paid attention to what Naruto was saying.

"Do you want power to defeat Itachi?" Naruto asked in serious voice. Hey, why not do it himself, if Orochimaru was going to do it later anyway. He would bring Sasuke to right path afterwards.

Sasuke snarled at him when he mentioned 'Itachi'.

"What do you want Naruto?" Sasuke sneered at him.

"You didn't answered my question, do you want power to defeat Itachi?" Naruto repeated.

"And you will give it to me! How? You yourself are a deadlast and you couldn't even beat me in Taijutsu spars." Sasuke spat mockingly.

Naruto winced as he remembered his sub-par skills from past but controlled his expression and replied with confidence "That is because I want to hide my true abilities."

Sasuke still looked skeptical "Yeah! Right."

"Why don't you test it yourselves?" Naruto challanged.

It was enough for Sasuke. Naruto was mocking him after Itachi had killed his whole clan, and now he was saying that only reason Sasuke won in spars was because Naruto had let him win. In addition to grief, the irritation caused by Naruto resulted Sasuke to launch in action.

He jumped at Naruto fully intending to beat the snot oout of him, but to his surprise Naruto dodged easily.

Sasuke jumped back and took the stance of his clan's famous 'interceptor fist'.

Naruto also took the familiar stance with left hand behind his back and right hand's back facing Sasuke.

Sasuke sped towards Naruto who easily deflected Sasuke's punch and with a call of 'Konoha senpou' kicked Sasuke's arm and sent him flying.

"The Uchiha Taijutsu, 'interceptor fist' is based upon counterattack, due to predicting power of a sharingan. The only reason attacking first worked for you at academy, was because you were superior taijutsu fighter than your opponent, leaving me of course." Naruto explained.

"Aaghhh!" Sasuke then sped in zig zag fashion at Naruto who calmly stood and deflected the attacks, ending it with a spring kick, sending Sasuke back and propping himself into stance.

"You never learn Sasuke!" Naruto taunted and did the same attack as Sasuke, which to Sasuke's surprise, he was able to deflect some of attacks.

Naruto jumped back and grinned "Do you get it now? You were able to counter my moves and defend yourselves."

Sasuke was astonished but huffed "Whatever, You are going down."

Naruto shook his head. He understood that for Sasuke to listen to him, he had to completly demolish him in the battle.

He watched from the corner of eyes that Sasuke had finished making handsigns which ended with Tiger seal "Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu (firestyle: Great fireball technique)", and launched a medium sized fireball at Naruto.

Naruto just formed a cross with index and middle fingers of both hands and declared the name of his own technique "Tajju Kage bunshin no jutsu (Multi-shadow clone technique)".

With puff of smoke, multiple Naruto came into existence, surrounding both of them. Some of cloned jumped between Sasuke and Naruto and took the fire ball upon themselves, shielding the original from the attack.

Meanwhile Sasuke was panting as due to his young age and less reserves, he could use the fireball jutsu only once. He looked around and saw copies of Naruto surrounding them, making his eyes go wide.

"H-How?" Sasuke asked. Naruto had not been able to produce a bunshin in the academy, but seeing him produce so many and those being tangible, he was shocked.

"I told you Sasuke, I hid my abilities from everyone. Now, do you want power to defeat Itachi?" Naruto repeated himself again.

Sasuke looked around and gritted his teeth in defeat. He then released a heavy breath as he looked at Naruto with determination filled in his eyes. He spoke only one word "Yes!"

Naruto stretched out his hand towards the Uchiha who accepted it "Then I will train you to be strong enough to defeat him one day, but you mustn't let yourself get lost in hatred. You will work on other goals too."

Sasuke didn't want to accept that condition as he had only one goal in mind that was destruction of Uchiha Itachi and revenge for Uchiha clan, but he accepted it seeing Naruto was going to help him get stronger anyway.

[In his appartment]

"So I still have my replacement arm, even after coming to past." Naruto says as he unwraps the bandages and sees whitish hand connected to his right biceps.

The only reason Kurama couldn't regenerate his arm was due to the 'sun' seal that was previously present on that hand. If he hadn't sealed Kaguya using the seal, he could've regenerated the arm by himself, but it transferred to Kaguya's prison. Now the seal had incredible amount of yang chakra which had left some remnants in his right hand. And medical ninjutsu uses complete yin-yang balance, which the pre-present yang chakra in his hand made impossible, so no regeneration.

After finishing rewraping the bandage, he got an odd idea. "What if I am able to use the fabled 'mokuton (wood release)', after all I am also incarnation of Asura, and the Hashirama cells plus yang chakra should make it possible."

"Ughh... what did Yamato-taicho said, when formed the waterfall for my training. Yes, channel earth and water simultaneously and release it." Naruto repeated his team captain's words and did the same.

He channeled earth chakra in one hand and water chakra in another, then he made the 'snake' hand sign and released them together.

A deformed peice of wood came into existence.
Naruto whooped with Joy at seeing that "Yes! I can use it. Though it looks like it will take time. Hmm, the forbidden scroll would be perfect place to take techniques from, but it still six years later. I will train in other things till then, and maybe relearn all elemental manipulation."

With these thoughts, Naruto drifted off to sleep.

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