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Today was his birthday, and only a day left for him to leave Bauchi. It had only been three weeks away from Aisha and Abba's wedding, and Nasir had never felt this nauseous all his life. He was at the office as early as 6 am, he didn't sleep there because he knew Mama will have his birthday present at his door the moment it said midnight, and she did.

He had applied for a transfer in Kano and it got accepted, Nasir couldn't be more elated. He had parked all that he had in the office and was seated on his chair, lost in his thoughts. He did that often. Dr Aliyu walked into the office and stared at him sadly before he sat down on the chair opposite his.

"Are you sure this is what you want? I can assure you there is regret all over your face now. It's still not too late to change that." Aliyu was the closest friend he ever had. They went to medical school together in Ukraine and were lucky to have found a job in the same hospital.

Nasir heaved a sigh and smiled lopsidedly at him, "I can assure you this is the only way I can keep my sanity. There is no way I will be in Bauchi and hide away from the wedding. What if I'm out? I'll have the office of not coming over. Besides, I need a change of environment. A lot has happened in my life."

Aliyu nodded in affirmation, "A lot has happened, that I believe. But can you leave the girl just like that? Speaking of which, she stopped over an hour ago and gave me this package to give you." In a swift, Aliyu was out of the room and he came back holding a medium-sized box.

He handed him the box and Nasir collected it with tentative hands.  "Are you sure this was for me? Besides, who was the girl that came? It can't be Aisha."

Still standing, Aliyu nodded his head at him. "Even though the picture you showed me of her, she had makeup on, but she was still the same. Beautiful, as you said. And that thing about a Billion Dollar smile? She did it too."

Even. though sadness had long blanketed Nasir's soul, he smiled. "It's her, Thank you, Aliyu." Aliyu had gone back to his office when Nasir opened the package.

First, there was a phone case, and beneath it, inscribed 'With Love, Aisha' in beautiful calligraphy. Nasir pulled out his phone from his pocket and put on the phone case right away. This would be like a remembrance to him, Aisha loved him.

He smiled weakly and pulled out the second, there were two key holders, both with inscriptions. The first one had, "Drive safely, Dr.' and the second one had 'Eat a lot and sleep too, home is a place to be happy. Smile always, Dr.' He pulled out what looked like a mug, and behold when he unwrapped it there was a mug with a design on it. The design was nothing but a lab coat and a stethoscope on the neck, and 'Dr. Nasir' was inscribed in bold on the right side and also the other side of the mug.

How can she be so creative like this? That's the first thing that crossed his mind before he pulled out a memo. Medium in size and beautiful in a light blue shade. The design there too was the same as the one on the mug. There was a sticky not placed there, it read 'Write about all the things you wish to tell me here. I can't read them, but I'll have it in mind that we converse anytime.'

He was holding his tears to himself, this was too much. Aisha herself was too much. He didn't know how an 18 years old lady can sway the heart of a man like him with such a gift. He saw a neatly folded paper and right below it was a bedside frame. She had her words written in italics and into a frame. He got the frame out, having it in mind to read the paper last. He was sure what she had written in there would make him cry.

I always talk to Allah about you

Some days I cry bitterly and

Beg Him to erase you from my heart

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