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Jungkook was on earth. He was out to see what Jimin was doing. He wanted to know if he was still being a hoe. He was. He was with a different guy. He was wearing a crop top that wasn't too short it was right above his belly button. (A/n: what his top looked like for reference)

 (A/n: what his top looked like for reference)

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Jungkook: poor Yoongi. He's such a hoe.

Yoongi: Jimin!

Jimin: what?

Yoongi: what the fuck?! You left our baby alone while I was at work! You're such a bitch! You know what?! I'm done with you! You just with me for my money!

Jimin: no! I'm with you because you got be pregnant! Your precious little man ego would've broke if I fucking left you!

Yoongi: I'm keeping our daughter! You're a horrible mother! Fuck you!

He left. Jimin was angry. He took his wedding ring off and he threw it at Yoongi. He turned around pissed. Everyone was looking at them.

Yoongi: for fucks sake! You whiney little slut!

Jimin: when we fucked I couldn't feel a damn thing!

Yoongi: ooh please! You were moaning my name out loud so the whole world can hear what kind if whore you are!

Jimin went over to Yoongi. He was a little but shorter then him. Yoongi held his waist. They started to make out.

Jimin: ooh fuck me!~

Yoongi: I will~

They go home and they have sex.

Jungkook: talk about toxic. God damn. But where he get that top from? Cute as hell.

Jungkook went back home. Tae was waiting for him in their room. Tae took his hand. They sat on the bed together.

Jungkook: baby, you seem serious. What's up?

Tae: you know, marriage is a big deal. If we get married. You have to take on responsibility... Me, mom, and even dad were talking. They want us to rule. They think we're ready.

Jungkook: woah. Queen of hell.

Tae: I'll be king of hell.

Jungkook: umm, so, we're getting married soon? Marriage is a big deal Tae. Are you ready?

Tae: I think so, are you?

Jungkook: yeah, I guess so. I'm just nervous about the responsibility.

Tae: talk to mom about it. He'll tell you everything you need to do.

Jungkook: but, what if they all hate me?

Tae: who knows.

Jungkook: holy shit.

Tae: what?

Jungkook: who's gonna rule Heaven?

Tae: doesn't god?

Jungkook: he's, but the ruling of angels I mean. After my father retires, I'll have to. I'll have to choice.

Tae: isn't your father dead?

Jungkook: well...

Tae: Jungkook... You didn't...

Jungkook: I couldn't help it! He's still my father at the end of the day!

Tae: he raped you, beat you, slut shamed you, and he's homophobic! He's not your father!

Jungkook: I'm sorry!

Tae holds Jungkook close to his chest.

Jungkook: what should I do?...

Tae: well, choose. Heaven needs a ruler princess. I don't know if you're gonna be able to do both.

Jungkook: I don't even know if I'll be able to be queen here. It's too much of a responsibility...

Jungkook sighs. Tae holds his waist. He slides his hand up his shirt. He feels on his smooth skin. Jungkook rests his head on Taes shoulder.

Jungkook: please keep touching. I need it.

Tae: in what way?~

Jungkook: like this. Nothing sexual just comforting.

Tae: okay baby.

They stay like that for a while. Jungkook eventually turns around. He places his hands on Taes chest. He looks at him.

Jungkook: I'm ready to marry you.

Tae holds his waist.

Tae: really? You don't have to, I can wait.

Jungkook: you can't wait. That's the thing. You wanna marry me so badly. I wanna marry you too. I feel ready enough.

Tae: really?

Jungkook: yeah, it can't be that bad. Just one thing. I'm not gonna be a slut for you. I'll be a slut for myself.

Tae: okay? Don't you like me calling you that though?

Jungkook: well, yeah but only in bed.

Tae: okay baby.

They share a kiss.

Tae: let's get married.

Jungkook: next week?

Tae: this week?~

Jungkook: aish~

They share another kiss.

Jungkook: I'm tired. Let's go to sleep. I honestly need to sleep on this whole thing. I can't be in charge of both.

Tae: true. I can't even help you rule heaven. They'll all hate me.

Jungkook: but everyone here likes me.

Tae: but you just said that you're worried that they don't.

Jungkook: but I'm worried I'm not good enough to be queen.

Tae: listen baby, you're more ready then I am. I was fucking born here.

Jungkook: I guess. I'm just nervous.

Tae: we all are baby

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