Chapter 1

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She was walking home under the deep blue of the might sky. There was barely any light and the ways were narrow. She crossed the little river when she saw him. 

She considered turning around and slowed down a bit. He seemed calm and leaned against a fence, looking at the water. He heard her footsteps and turned his head to meet her gaze. 

She swallowed and decided she did not want to look like a fool today. She sped up again and walked towards him. 

She had just passed him as he grabbed her arm and spun her around. 

"What" She spat out. She tried to pull herself away from his grip but he didn't let go. 

He remained silent for a while, before he gulped audibly and asked "do you really hate me?" 

She was caught off gard, she tried to sort her thoughts before she answered. 

"Are you drunk?", was all she could come up with. 

"It does not matter" his voice was weirdly emotionless. "Do you?" 

"What?" She was lost in deep thought as he spoke to her again. 

"Do you hate me?" 

She gulped again and considered her answers, before she said "Sometimes" trying to seem as brave as possible. 

It was so dark she couldn't make out the colour of his eyes, but she could observe as his facing features turned soft, he looked hurt. 

He took a step closer and lay a Hand on her face. Softly he stroke her cheek. She let him. 

Her body froze for a hot second before he whispered "Please don't hate me" 

Be was close enough for her to smell what he had to drink, it didn't bother her. 

"Okay" She whispered back. 

For a moment he pressed his lips against hers and she felt her knees give up. Just barely after she had a chance to kiss him back he pulled away. 

Somewhere in the distance something fell down and the noise was enough to pull her out of her drunken trance. 

She straightened her back and held her chin high as she said dryly "you can't be an asshole at day and kiss me at night, this doesn't work like that" 

He pulled her closer again, god knows where he got the courage, and apologized. 

Nothing could have surprised her more. She put one hand on his chest, the other on the back of his neck. She felt his heart  pumping like crazy. 

"I'll be better" he mumbled. His breath against her war made her shiver, slightly. 

His unsure gaze met hers. "I promise", he added. 

She wanted to belive him. It didn't even matter if she didn't. She would kiss him anyway. 

She felt the hard, cold brick wall contrast with his body heat as they kissed again. He let his hand wander to the back of her head to protect her as the other remained on her waist. 

She let all her pent up sexual frustration flow into the kiss and started to feel his upper body up and down. She caressed his abs as he squeezed her ass and after she palmer his penis over his pants he picked her up from the floor and pressed her against the wall harder. 

She moaned softly into their kisses as he put one hand on her throat and began to press gently. 

A/N: sorry for the cliché stereotypical smol gurrl and taller muscular guy. Just a quick fun story written mainly for myself because I'm into guys again rn, if u have any issues with this story feel free to contact me xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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