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  "I'm living with a House-elf?!" Angelica questioned confused and unsure what to do.

 "My name is Kreacher." the house-elf said offended by the little girls comment. Kreacher was a old elf. Y/N wasn't sure how to feel towards him but didn't want to be rude so she plastered a fake smile on her face the introduced herself.

 "Hi...Kreacher, I'm Y/N. This is Robin and Angelica. We are glad that you have agreed to... deal with us." She said nudging her little sister to be nicer. Angelica bared the elf a small smile before turning back to her previous uncomfortable smile. Robin on the other hand was holding back a rude uncalled for laugh.

 "Yeah I know that far." the elf said rudely not returning the energy Y/N tried to convey. Remus just smiled and turned to his three children.

 "I know it might not be ideal but it will grow on you." He said optimistically, "Kreacher is very responsible and will take great care of you." he leaned down and put a hand on his young daughters shoulder.

 "Are you sure your ok?" Angelica asked genuinely concerned for her father. Of course like any father would he chuckled at her remark and turned back to Kreacher telling him to take Robin and Y/N's bags upstairs then show the three to their rooms.

~Bye, Dad~

 After getting settled and Angelica's constant complaining about the living situation it was time for dad to leave. To Y/N and Robin it was just a couple days for Angelica it was almost a year. Minus Christmas and any holiday she would be able to be back with her family for and not with what she describes as a wrinkly old elf.

 "Are you sure there isn't anywhere else I could stay?" Angelica asked for what felt like the millionth time.

 "Sweetheart, don't think of it that way this place is great. It'll grow on you I know it." Remus reassured her.

 "You keep saying that like its gonna happen." Angelica whined.

 "Sis this place is great and I think I got Kreacher to like me." Robin said with a huge grin on his face.

 "Really? The only thing he likes about you is when your quiet." Y/N remarked.  

 "Sod off, Y/N." Robin said while glaring at his sister.

 "Is this really how you guys are gonna say bye to me?" Remus joked.

 "Of course not Dad." Angelica said hugging her father.

 "It's only a few days not like the worlds ending." Robin commented not even thinking about Angelica's situation. 

 "Mine is! I'm staying in this strange dusty excuse for a house, and a wrinkly house-elf as a care taker!" Angelica complained in a whinny tone.

 "Angie this place deserves your respect I've had some great memories in here." Her dad scolded. "Kreacher deserves your respect and yours too." He pointed at his other two children.

 "Yes, Dad we know." Y/N reassured her father honestly wanting him to leave at that point.

 Remus glanced down at his watch and noticed if he continues this conversation he would be late.
'That wouldn't look well for my first day' He thought.

 "Kids, I don't have much time but I want you all to remember these rules understand" They all nodded in responds. " Robin no girls-"

 "Not cool Dad." Robin complained as his sisters snickered at their father's rule.

 "Be nice to your sisters while I'm there until you and Max go to Hogwarts it's your job to take care of them not Kreacher's. Understand?" Remus continued.

 "Yeah, Yeah, Whatever." Robin said annoyed.

 "Max, no snobby or rude comments towards your brother I don't think Kreacher wants you to burn the house down." Y/N rolled her eyes at her dad's attempt to make a joke out of the rule she knew she was definitely not going to follow. "And, Angelica, please treat Kreacher with respect and keep an open mind about your stay here I really think you'll grow to like it. Maybe even love it but you got to keep an open mind. Ok?" Remus said.

 "Ok I'll TRY to be optimistic about this... abnormal place." Angelica said putting emphasis on try.

 Remus looked at his other two children for a response and they both just nodded in annoyance. Remus put on a warm smile before hugging his children goodbye before using floo powder to disappear in a green flame to Hogwarts.

~Week at Grimmauld Place~

 The week had only just started and there was already problems left and right for Y/N and her siblings. First, Kreacher was a rude and cold elf he wouldn't enjoy talking to you and preferred it when they would just tell him what they want then just leave him alone. Second, every night Angelica would go into Y/N's room and find a new complaint about the house. Of course Y/N would do the best she could to convince her sister that this place wasn't that bad even though her herself couldn't even spend another minute there.

 Y/N was writing a letter to her bestfriend from Durmstrang when her brother yelled for her from downstairs.


 "What?!" Y/N yelled back annoyed that she couldn't even wright a letter to her bestfriend in peace. It was the last night of their stay at Grimmauld Place so Angelica was extremely clingy all day not giving her or her brother time alone. It was obvious Angelica didn't want them to leave she would spend every day trying to hang out with them and keep them as close as possible. Some nights she would even sleep in their rooms not wanting to be alone. She did everything she could possible do to spend every hour and minute with them.

  "Angelica is getting on my nerves can you please take her." Robin begged.

  "I'm Busy! Just tell her to go to sleep!" Y/N yelled back hoping Robin would just leave her alone.

  "I did that but she said she didn't want to be alone!" Robin said.

 "Fine! Just send her up but she better not cause any trouble or your taking her back!" She yelled angrily.

'Thank god I'm leaving tomorrow. I can't take this anymore.' She thought.


_+*A/N*+_ ~ Hey guys! I wanted to apologize for how long it took for me to publish the first chapter so I wanted to get the second one to you as fast as possible. Though barely anyone has even read my story I still want to continue writing more so people start to want to read. Next chapter we will finally be able to meet our lovely Harold Pottah. I hope your as excited as I am. I'm not sure if I wrote these chapters well so I hope I can begin to improve my writing in the future. I'll start putting warnings before each chapter soon and some will just say none.

I hope you can work with me through this chaos and learn to love this story. 


Q: Which out of your do siblings do you like more?

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