~ The Fotoshooting ~

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After what feels like 30 minutes, Gavi comes out of the dressing room... and you run into the stadium for the photo shoot..

Y: what did you do so long?

G: Y/n we have a Fotoshooting i will look good okay?...

Y: *just rolls his eyes*

you have now arrived at the photographer...

???: hey nice that you are there, since I am Carlos and you must be the gavis right? then I would ask you to put on your jerseys right away, pedri is already waiting for you pablo. So y/n you go to the women's cabin and gavi to the men's cabin..see you in 5 Minutes here..

You're changing, you're about to walk out the door, but you bump into someone...

P: Sorry... Y/n I didn't see you, but nice to have you here Carlos is already waiting..

Y: No problem ..
*you have a long eyecontact*

G: Pedri?!!! Y/n????!!! We will start...

you run to the others and you take pictures directly with your brother..

you run to the others and you take pictures directly with your brother

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The Pictures of You and Pablo <3

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The Pictures of You and Pablo <3

C: So Pablo you can go change your clothes, Y/n and Pedri you both come to me..

only now do you realize that Pedri is looking at you ..
*oh shit did I look good, why is he looking at me like that he's so pretty*..

*she's so pretty should I risk it?*

C: are you all right?..

Y/n , Pedri: Y--es...

C: then let's get started..

you're about to start when Gavi comes running in panic...

G: Y/n I just got an important call from my manager and I have to go could you please hurry up?..

P: hey bro that's no problem i'll drive her home ..!

G: Okay ..Okay thanks im so sorry
Y/n ..

Y: everything's ok..

So gavi go and Carlos start With the Fotoshooting..

So gavi go and Carlos start With the Fotoshooting

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Deine Bilder mit Pedri

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Deine Bilder mit Pedri...

C: That's it, thank you for taking your time, I wish you a nice day..

Y/n , Pedri : Thanks that was no problem ..

~ That's it for the chapter, if you liked it leave a like, thanks, have a nice day<3 ~

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