Chapter 13 - The Last Chapter

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I run over to Link and Navi and grab the cage. I took them out and started hugging them. I missed them so much. Amy's mom apologized for not trusting me, Link and Navi come home, Dillon goes back to jail for cat-napping, and Amy is grounded for a whole year. I started posting on YouTube again, everyone missed me and forgave me for not posting. My life turned back to normal. Red and I even got Just Dance 2015.

    THE END...

The Final Author's Note


Thank you everyone for the support on this book. It means a lot to me that you guys read it and left comments. I will be making a second book of this, but for now this is it. As always, you can follow me for story details and more at AlyssaReads1228. Go check
out my friends at xxsheppardx and Cutegeek77. Thanks for being such good readers, and until next time, Bye!!!!

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