gender female
eye color pink
hair color pink/teal
hometown levincia
region paldea
rrainer class gym leader
games scarlet and violet
leader of levincia
gym badge electric badge
specializes in electric types.
anime debut HZ015
japanese voice actor kaede hondo
misc. animation debut guess iono partner pokemon
english voice actor N/A
abillity wind power
gender male
level 23➡65
moves pluck quick attack spark hurricane discharge taliwind
Ability electromorphosis
gender male
level 23➡65
moves water gun spark water pulse thunder reflect sucker punch
Debut HZ015
ability intimidate
gender female
level 23➡65
moves spark bite crunch wild charge psychic fangs ice fang
tera type electric
abillity levitate
gender female
level 24➡66
moves charge beam hex confuse ray shadow ball mystical fire dazzling gleam
abillity static
leve 65
moves foul play electric terrian discharge sucker punch
traveling with a rotom phone