3 「S E E - Y O U - T H E R E」 8

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point of view

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐔𝐋 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒, the four other shifters were left there to finish the rest of the conversation, or lack thereof, seeing as of right now they hadn't gotten very far.

Sam was overly keen as he was the first to turn back towards Jacob and Catherine, grabbing both of their attention whilst also causing Catherine to hold on tighter to the tracksuit jacket that was covering her breast.

"Seeing as that has been dealt with," Sam was the first one to speak after Paul disappeared into the darkness, "I think it's best we finish the rest of this discussion back at the house."

"What house?" Jacob asked tipping his head in confusion, he didn't like the way they made it seem like he was already a part of their pack.

"Sam's place on the Rez, it's like our pack house," Jared spoke up simply his eyes moving from Jacob to Catherine, the beta wolf avidly beginning to flirt with the girl as he took a step forwards. "need me to show you the way?"

"I think I remember it," Jacob almost immediately spoke up as he pulled Catherine closer to him, wedging himself deeper inside of her. "we'll meet you there."

That being said Catherine couldn't help but softly grip down on the edge of the seat cushion, trying her best to keep her face neutral despite feeling so full.

With that Jacob turned towards Sam and nodded his head, letting him know that he would be coming over to find out about what was happening.

And seeing his nod, Sam returned one of his own out of understanding and respect before he turned toward Jared and nodded his head toward the woods.

His Beta nodded his head this time before he turned towards the woods, the two of them slowly going from a walk to a jog, to a run until they disappeared into the dark wooded forest.

Leaving Catherine and Jacob looking after them with two completely different facial expressions as they slowly pulled their heads back into the car. Jacob softly slipping from inside of her causing her to softly whimper and clench around nothing as she turned back to face him.

"I'm like super confused," Catherine spoke simply and honestly as she sat with her back against the car door, the girl facing her boyfriend still holding her jacket top to her chest. "what just happened?"

"They're shifters just like us, Bunn-" Jacob answered simply although he was completely missing the point of her confusion, which Catherine could understand from how she had spoken.

"No I got that part," She said waving off that part of the conversation before she narrowed down on why this all seemed so weird to her. "why would they keep staring at me?"

As she asked this question the young woman looked up at Jacob with wide innocent eyes, but she looked exactly the opposite in Jacob's eyes as she was still completely naked except a jacket covering her chest.

"Maybe because of your naked, Bunny."  Jacob spoke teasingly as he tilted his head, the boy chuckling in amusement as he looked down at the girl although it only caused her to pout a bit more.

"Jake you know what I mean," Catherine whined as she reached over and lightly slapped the boy's upper arm, she was starting to feel like he was deliberately trying to change the subject. "and why do you guys keep calling me an imprint?"

Hearing her ask this question Jacob only took a deep breath as he started looking around, the boy quickly grabbing his girl's tracksuit pants from the front seat.

"Come 'ere." He spoke as he flipped her pants right side out, the boy getting ready to slide them up the girl's perfectly toned light tanned legs.

Although before he could, Catherine suddenly pulled her legs closer to her, the girl just about refusing to allow him to put her pants on as she stared him down with a pout on her face.

"Tell me." She insisted as she kept her feet away from him, causing Jacob to let out another sigh as he only nodded his head before motioning for her to give him her legs again.

Which she did slowly, just in case he was trying to trick her out of the truth.

"It's like a soulmate, or at least that's how my dad's stories used to go," Jacob answered her softly and seriously as he slowly slid the tracksuit pants up the girl's legs, not looking at her as he continued to help her put on her pants. "it's like gravity shifts and she's the one thing that holds you down, you're my imprint, Catherine."

As he finished speaking Jacob finally manage to fully slip the pants up the girl's legs, which allowed him to finally make eye contact with her as he gave her a soft smile.

"If I'm yours, then how come I'm there's too?" Catherine asked lowly not wanting to upset the boy, although unlike she'd thought he would react Jacob only gave the girl a small smile.

"That's what we're going to Sam's Place to figure out." He spoke simply as he leaned back sitting comfortably against the door, mimicking Catherine.

"Shouldn't we go change clothes first," She asked as she looked down at her current nakedness, before trying not to look over at Jacob's. "well put on clothes at least?"

"I guess we can be a little late." Jacob shrugged simply as if it didn't matter to him, which it didn't, he believed he knew enough from what his dad had taught him.

But unbeknownst to him even his Father hadn't seen something like this before.

"What am I gonna tell Charlie?" Catherine asked after taking in a small gasp, the girl quickly covering her mouth as she thought about walking into her house with a naked Jacob.

"I'll just stay in the car, Bunny," Jacob answered her unasked question, he already knew what his girl was thinking. "just tell him you wasted a drink on your clothes, go change and then say you have to take me home."

Hearing Jacob's answer for a few seconds Catherine was partially taken aback, she hadn't expected him to come up with a solution so quickly.

And seeing the girl speechless at his rare act of showing his intelligence, Jacob couldn't help but smirk as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Come on Bunny," Jacob spoke with a small chuckle as he began to praise himself, the boy somehow finding amusement in the situation. "your man's smarter than he looks."

"Yeah, okay." Catherine agreed sarcastically as she nodded her head before the two of them went quiet looking at each other.

It was only a few seconds later the two just about busted out into laughter, even after everything that had managed to happen the two still managed to laugh about it so soon after.

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