That Day...

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[March 16th, 2016.]

"...Ed...Red..RED!" Pat shouted, rushing over to Tords side. Tord stood up slowly, groaning as he covered the bleeding part of his mangled arm. Paul rushed over after a bit, helping Tord stand up straight. "What yhe hell happened?!" Pat said, scanning Tords arm.

"That.. that f-fucking asshole.." Tord muttered angrily, "Who?" Paul asked. "Thomas! That asshole shot MY mech with a fucking harpoon gun!!" He said, obviously wanting to punch the shit out of that asshole.

Tord looked over at the rubble of the house he once loved, not seeing any of his "old friends". He couldn't see them at all. Were they dead? Well he sure hoped to God Tom was.

"Come on, boss... Let's go, before anyone sees you." Paul said. Tord just nodded, starting to walk to the car Pat and Paul had driven here in.

He got inside, groaning since every part of his body hurt. "Straight to the base?" Pat asked, which Tord simply responded with a nod. He nodded as well, driving away from the scene.

As they drove off, Tord still couldn't see the familier faces of Edd, Matt and Tom emerge from the rubble. Did he kill them? That wasn't exactly his intention. He intended to kill people but... Not them. Well maybe Tom but not Edd and Matt.

As they arrived at the Red Army Base, Tord was half asleep in the backseat. He had lost so much blood that he was too tired to stay conscious. Paul and Pat helped him out of the car, getting him to the infirmary immediately.

Tord could hear the distant chattering and whispering of his men, only catching the words "what happened?" In each sentence.

The doctor got Tord laying down on one of the beds, but as soon as he touched that soft cushioning; he passed out.


Tord groaned as his eyes fluttered open, slowly sitting up. "Ugh.. My everything.." he mumbled, rubbing his head. "Ah, Red Leader. You're awake." The doctor said, walking over to Tords bed with a clipboard and pen in hand. "How do you feel, sir?" He asked. "I feel like shit, that's how I feel..." Tord mumbled. Weirdly, he could no longer feel his injured arm, at all. He looked down beside him... And saw a mechanical arm in replace of his own.

"Oh, right... There was too much irreversible damage to your arm, so we amputated it and put that in place of it. It'll take some getting used to but it'll function like you've always had it." The doctor explained, writing something on the clipboard. "Huh... pretty badass if I must be honest.." Tord mumbled with a small smile, wiggling the fingers his new robotic arm.

"Would you like to leave now? Or would you like more rest?" The doctor asked, looking at Tord. "Mm... I feel fine. Apart from the fact I no longer have feeling for my right arm so this is extremely trippy." Tord respond, rubbing his eye with his actual hand. "Right then." The doctor said with a nod, grabbing Tords coat and giving it to him. "Your hoodie has already been patched up." He said, then left.

Tord stared at his robotic arm, letting out a sigh before getting up. He was already unhooked from all the machinery. He put his coat over himself, putting his shoes back on as well. He made his way out of the infirmary, getting a few greetings from his men, a few saying that they're glad he's alive or glad that he'll make a full recovery. Stuff Tord barely cared about anymore.

He called down the elevator, leaning against the wall as he waited. "Oh, Red! You're up!" Paul said when he saw Tord. "Yeah yeah... Of course I am, I dont go down that easily." Tord responded, staring up at the ceiling. He just wanted to get to the comfort of his room at this point, no one bothering him, just him relaxing. That's what he needed right now.

The elevator opened and Tord immediately went inside, pressing the button with the number 10 on it. That's the floor his room was on. He yawned, leaning against the walls of the elevator, checking the date on his phone. Well, it's just an extra phone he had, a backup; incase he lost his. Which technically he did when that Mech was destroyed.

March 25th it read.

Tord walked out when the elevator stopped, going to his room instantly. He closed the door and locked it, going to his bedroom.

His newly patched Red hoodie was sitting on the bed. He couldn't help but smile at it. He loved that hoodie a lot, it was one of the only things that reminded him of when him, Matt, Edd and Tom were all friends and didn't have any troubles. So he was glad that hoodie wasn't badly damaged.

He got his coat off, slipping into the hoodie and some simple black sweatpants so he was comfortable. He hung his coat up in his closet, laying down on his bed and curling up slightly. This hoodie was his only form of comfort when he was stressed or just upset in general. He brought him so much comfort that he probably would've cried if they couldn't fix it. "Why can't he just get a new one if they can't fix it?" You may ask, it's because he doesn't WANT a new one, he wants THAT one and ONLY that one.

With how comfortable Tord was, he soon fell asleep. He snored quietly as he slept, just glad to be back home.

He considered this place his home. And always will, even if the home he missed was the friendship he had crushed with his old friends. If they were alive, they'd never, EVER forgive him. Tord honestly can't blame them for it. He destroyed their home.

He doesn't even forgive himself.

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[I do apologize if I don't get Tords personality right! I haven't watched Eddsworld in so long, and the only reason I got back into it is because I saw a TomTord fanfic literally yesterday. If you have any ideas on how I can make Tords personality closer to Canon that'd be greatly appreciated!! -Arbor]

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