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🧿 Hey there

👤 Red Lights

23, Bulacan 📍

     📍 8 km --------- City (UNLOCK)


Red Lights

08-05-2022  06:35 pm

🔉 You starts to follow Red Lights.

Red Lights:

Miss Ma’am:
Hello :>

Red Lights:
Why are you here?

Miss Ma’am:
Hmm, ewan ko rin haha. Ngayon lang ako rito so pinapa-familiarize ko lang din. E ikaw?

Red Lights:
To find a lover.

Miss Ma’am:
Naks naman, hanapan na pala ng jowa e2 haha

Miss Ma’am:
kokorni ninyo naman haha

(The other person has left)

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