Mirror mirror on my wall,
why did this pimple show?
Mirror mirror on my wall,
Why must you show my flaws?
Mirror mirror on my wall,
Why do they ignore me?
Mirror mirro on my wall,
Why don't you conceal my flaws and tears?
Then that mirror on my wall said to me,
" Child don't you see, how beautiful you can be? Tear stain cheecks show your eyes, those lips that all man wish to kiss, and your body with your hips set free. I show your beauty not your flaws, Child of mine open you eyes. SEE THE TRUTH!!! Your eyes are like stars, your lips pink and full, your nose free of freckles, and your body no body can beat"
Mirror mirror on my wall,
Now I see, what you were trying to show me and how wonderful and beautiful we can all be.
Mirror mirror on my wall,
I stopped freaking and braking.
Mirror mirror on my wall,
He asked me out and all I can do is say thank you.
Mirror mirror on my wall,
I'm as happy as a bumble bee.
One day that mirror on my wall said all happy, " see my child, I show you the truth. You are perfect in your own loving way. And to those who feel less stand infront of your mirror close you eyes and say 'Mirror mirror on my wall show me the truth!' Open your eyes and you will see the image of beauty"
This poem is dedicated to all those people out there who think less of themself . REMEMBER YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE. LIVE LONG AND BE HAPPY MY FRIENDS AND THANK YOUohhh and please vote and comment