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                             is down rn so here's another chap lol
     second pov !!

"That's possibly the worst roll i've ever seen," Eula snickered behind her hand, as once again your bowling ball headed straight for the gutter. From Eula's side, Amber silenced her giggles by turning away- you on the other hand put your hands on your hips with a scowl. "Oh we've angered her-"

"Eula Lawrence!" You protested. "You are so rude!"

"And you are so bad," Eula muttered, walking forward and grabbing a ball. "Allow me to show you how it's done."

"Oh boy..." Amber sighed.

You stepped back to stand next to the brunette, watching Eula pull her arm back and step forward- releasing the ball that cracked loudly against the floor and headed toward the gutter. She ducked her head behind her hand and cleared her throat. "That was a miscalculation. It won't happen again."

"And you say i'm bad," You snort, shaking your head.

Eula glared at you. "Ugh- You're insufferable."

"Yeah yeah," You wave her off with a grin. "Look, i'm gonna go buy us some nachos- when I come back I'll show you how insufferable I can be when I wipe the floor with you."

Eula put her hands on her hips and went to respond, but Amber cut her off with a chuckle. "Oh gosh, you guys are so competitive-"

"You will do no such thing," Eula voiced. "I'll enact vengeance on you if you even try."

"And there's the theater kid I know so well," You snort, gesturing off. "I'll be back, go ahead and plan out how exactly you plan on winning."

You turn with a grin and rush over to the concession stand. You greet the worker and request two dishes of Nachos, leaning on the counter as they begin to make them. "Y/n." You turn, in slight surprise.

"Ei, hey! what are you doing here?" You smile toward the slightly intimidating girl, shifting on your feet.

"I should ask you the same thing," Her eyes flicker over to Eula- Amber having made her way to the bathroom. She turns back to you. "Is this why you haven't answered Miko? Off on a date?"

You raise your brows. "A date?" You look over at Eula and back at Ei with a groan. "Oh- no, no this isn't a date."

"Sure looks like one." Ei mutters, crossing her arms. "Miko seems to think so too."

"Wha-" You furrow your brows. "Well it's not, and how does Miko even know i'm here? Did you tell her?"

Ei scoffs. "You've got a lot of nerve."

"I'm- okay i'm so confused right now," You rub your head, raising a hand. "First, you need to relax. This isn't a date at all- Eula's girlfriend is literally here."

This makes Ei pause. She blinks, looking over again as Amber comes back from the bathroom, and Eula quickly pulls her in by the waist. "Oh."

"Yeah 'oh'." You chuckle and reach in your back pocket, pulling out your phone. "As for not answering- It's loud in here, I don't usually hear my phone going off. And I typically have notifications off."

"Oh." Ei breathes, again.

"So what are you doing here?" You mumble, swiping open your phone. "Is Miko here too? You guys could totally join us if you want. We could start a new gam-"

"Y/n-" Ei bites her lip. "Y/n I didn't realize this wasn't a date- I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" You chuckle, opening messages and clicking on Miko's contact. You read carefully, pausing at the last and latest one. Your heart tugs, you look up and catch Ei's guilty expression. "..Ei? What did you...?"

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