Don't become blind

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Yes, it's true that people become blind in love. They can't able to understand which is actually right thing or way. If someone fall in love with wrong person , it become hard to get realize that the person is not right for her or him. The situation is worse !  Some people realize quickly by judging and understanding capability. Maybe, it's depends on maturity. Some people realize lately cause they can't able to find out and don't want to find out. They don't realize until the truth come out in-front of them. So, we call these people as blind. BLIND IN LOVE! Sometimes, Being blind in love, people loses many things like their close ones, friendship. When a person become blind in love with wrong person and  others people (well-wishers , friend ,family) knows the true about the wrong person, they tries to realize him or her about the wrong person and show him or her about the past did of wrong person , let him of her to understand which is wrong and right .But, still she/he  chooses the wrong way cause she/he believes her/him blindly. If wrong person says no then they takes it as no. If yes, then yes. That's pathetic! Another things is , those blind peoples gets confusion about right and wrong , gets anxiety , trauma and tensions. Maturity matters here! Mature people can get over soon of these things. Cause, they understand a lot and always thinks about reality . If You aren't enough mature , then it's not a big deal. One day, you will be. Before that, you should take help of your friend, family or someone who knows you best and you have no problem to share your personal matters like these. Don't forget about them cause only they can help you in every situation. And Don't trust people blindly . Trust issues are also important in everything and also in love. If they fail to gain trust and fail to keep your inquiries then leave him or her. Wrong people always try to gain attention and try to approach others to make fall for them. these persons are known as red flag. Red flags are warning signs. In a relationship, red flags may manifest as controlling behavior, lack of trust, low self-esteem, physical, emotional, or mental abuse, substance abuse, narcissism, anger management issues, or codependency. So, we should stay away from these people who are the sign of red flag.  Maybe, we can't able to understand or  won't understand in some complicated situations. That time, it will be better if we let someone know about the situation who understands these well or experienced. 

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