-I didn't know that this was possible [smut] -

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Note: I wrote this when i was like 13 so bare with me to my spelling and grammar, ok now read


As the world progress, the technology also evolved to an extreme and concerning pace. The world is now very dependent to the AI robots whether if it's a big robot or the smallest bits of a robot. Humanity can't live with these this and they also took over most of the jobs that the man kind once work to sustain their life.

Today was the worst day for Xyan. He was just got fired at his work, that's the only reason why he's alive till this day. He didn't really understand himself because he spend his money for a tiny robot just make him happy. This lil thing was very expensive as fuck, so that broke him like the Pacific ocean.

"Ugh! Why now??!!!" Xyan exclaimed in anger as he walk towards the couch. "I'm so broke ahh" he covered his face with his hands as he sits . The little robot noticed it's owner was frustrated, so it approach his to cheer him.

As it slowly getting close to it's owner while making cute robotic noises. Xyan noticed the little fella creeping beside him.

"What do you want lil fella?" Xyan said softly so that the robot will not run away.

The robot just makes cute lil robotics noises. This made Xyan smile at it silliness " you're so cute stop it " he laugh like he's sad earlier lol.

The thing starts spinning around. "Woah woah slow down or you will get dizzy lil guy" Xyan grab the robot and put in on his lap.

"Hmmm I should think of a name that suits you" he said, he was thinking so hard his head start to spin (lol) then an idea popped out.

"Ah! I should name you Vector! That suit you with your cute attitude!" He smiled. Xyan stand up and put Vector on the air and spun his around.

Laughs and happiness was filled in the air.

'well... Today wasn't a Bad day as I thought' xyan thought but little did he know there's more to come.

*Months later*

Xyan was enjoying his new job as a cashier at the new store . It was night time , Xyan shifts was done . He was proud at his performance for days work.

Xyan walked home with a bright smile with his face. He was at the door of his house now but suddenly heard noises inside of his base.

'intruder!!' he thought.

Without second thoughts , he burst in his house and found a naked man sitting on his bed.

"WTF ?!! GET OUT!!" He yelled at the unknown person in his house.

"No no it is me Xyan!" The man said in a surprisingly calm and soft voice , it was so smoothing he melted. "H-how did you know my name?!" He stuttered while in his defense pose.
"Pfft you should stop standing like that you looked like a cockroach" Xyan was offended.

"ME?! EXCUSE YOU?! First of all I'm not a cockroach and second of all , WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!?" Xyan angrily shout at the man chilling.

The unknown man stand up and start to walk towards Xyan directions . Xyan panicked and said " S-Stop approaching me or I'll atrackt you!?" He threatened but the man still looked unbothered.

Xyan backed up, the man step forward. Eventually Xyan was on the wall now , no way to run.

He's trapped

He was scared for his life at this point . The man just looked at him and laughs. "Oh you looked so cute right now I might squish your cheecks" he grabbed Xyan cheeks and starts playing with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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