Chapter 4 - Lollipop

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(I'm gonna stop saying "emo era" or y'all gonna start to hate me)


✦Time Skip✦

Chuuya's POV

I am being pulled by my fucking arm by Buichiro in the hallway.

I agressively give him a punch in the stomach or my arm would literally fall out and go with him.

Then I see that pink girl coming to us.

- Hey! Hey! What happened there? - She squeaks with that anoying voice and hugs my arm like always.

- Chuuya! What was that for? - Says the guy almost dying on the floor.

- My arm would be ripped from my body if you didn't stop. - I say calmly.

- What happened to "Hey" or "Hello"?? - The grandpa complains while getting up. - Ugh, whatever - He groans and then turns to Yuan (the pink girl).

- You won't believe it! We took the bandages off and Chuuya literally made out with that bastard! -

- What. - I say along with Yuan as our jaws drop.

- I swear! I saw it with my own eyes! I had to stop you guys from that or you would've just fucked right there. - He chuckles.

- Fuck you. - I show him my middle finger.

- So, you don't remember? - The pink girl asks me.

- I guess. - I sight.

- Nothing?? Really?? Are you sure?? - Yuan squealed.

- Shut up! - I exclaim. - I already said I don't remember what happened, leave me alone! - I say as I walk away.

- Where are you going, Chuuya?? - Buichiro asks.

- Somewhere! Don't follow me! -

I walk around the school for about 20 minutes.

Then I end up deciding I'm going to the library.

Who do I meet there?

Yup, it's Dazai.

He was with a lollipop in his mouth while reading a book.

I don't know why but I have an urge I need to kiss him.

Gosh I'm gay as fuck.

Dazai's POV

I was getting tired from this book so I looked around the library because I felt like it. (Relatable)

And look, what a wonderful surprise! Chuuya was like 2 meters away from me...staring at me?

I guess he's in his own world.

I put the book I was reading back to his place and go stand in front of Chuuya.

I had to crouch down to be face to face with him since he's short as fuck.

I guess he finally snapped out of his trance since his eyes widen when he saw me face to face.

Our faces were inches away.

That's so gay. (I'm so gay)

- Hello my little Chuuya - I say with that smirk on my face.

Then I take the lollipop out of my mouth. Y'all know how hard it is trying to speak with a sugar ball with a stick on it in your mouth??

Chuuya's POV

I don't know why, I'm just staring at his bandages where his eyes are supposed to be.

I really need to kiss him.

I better get out of here before I do something I'll regret.

I look around for a moment and see a table close to us.

But there's no one around. Fuck.

Anyway, did I mention I'm blushing very hard because how close are our faces? Because I can feel my face heating up like it's 100° degrees in here.

As soon as I realize he was leaning towards me, I literally freeze.

I suddenly feel something sweet in my mouth.


Wait. This is his lollipop!? The one that was in his mouth minutes ago!? I'm gonna faint wtf.

Okay, this is my chance to go away.

That's what I do. I literally run to the table and sit on it.

Me and Dazai are facing each other right now. But with like 3-4 meters of distance.

Dazai's POV

- Aww. Little Chuuya is running away from me? - I chuckle and go near him.

I take advantage that he's sitting on a table and open his legs, making myself close the gap between our bodies.

Lol he literally turned his head to the other side because he's blushing so much.

He's so cute when he's embarrassed.

- Can you give me back my lollipop? - I ask.

- Why'd you give it to me in the first place? - He says with that thing on his mouth.

I chuckle.

- Just give it to me or I will do it - I grab his chin.

- And how would you do that? - He chuckles sarcastically.

I just kiss him.

Yeah, you read that right. I do kiss him.

But not a simple kiss.

I literally shove my tongue inside his mouth and kiss him so hard that the lollipop is confused on which mouth to stay in.

I can tell he's loving it by just feeling his erection touching my belly.

Third Person POV

As Dazai kisses Chuuya, he grabs the red haired hips pulling him ever closer.

If it wasn't obvious earlier, they're both horny right now.

Chuuya, almost losing balance, rests one hand on the table and the other intertwines around Dazai's neck.

The kiss was awesome but Dazai breaks it with the lollipop in his mouth.

- Thanks for giving it back - The walking bandage says as he winks.


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Heeyyy, I hope you guys are liking! Btw sorry if it's bad, I'm not good at describing things, especially a make out session but I tried my best. Anyway, I don't know how long will take for the next chapter but I will do my best!
Btw I love you guys comments lmao😭.

What's your favorite singer?

Mine: Jann (Jan Romanowski)

"Those Beautiful Heart Eyes" - Dazai x Chuuya - SoukokuWhere stories live. Discover now