Meeting Magcon (4)

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Meeting Magcon (4)

(Liv's POV)


I was up in my room shoving clothes into my bags. Meggie and I were going to my grandmas. She lived right near where Magcon was taking place. Meggie was just waiting on me now because I always wait until the last minute to pack. We were supposed to leave two hours ago, but me being me stalled. Meggie kept yelling up the stairs of how much more time I had to get ready. "15 more minutes!" she yelled. "Meggie shut up I get it already!" I screamed. I heard her laugh as she walked back to where she came from. I swear she does this stuff on purpose just to make me mad. It was already 6 at night and we were supposed to be at my grandmas by like 4:30 pm. Now we will be there at like 7pm. I zipped up my bags and then started to haul them downstairs. "Meggie are we gonna take separate cars?" I asked her. "NO!" she screamed. She hated her car. She always asks if she can get a new one. I don't see why she just gets a new one without asking. My grandma would be fine with paying for it. Or Meggie could ask for a new car for her birthday as a present form my grandma. I don't know what goes through her head. We started to pile things into the back of my car and then the backseats as well. "How long are we staying again?" Meggie asks. "Grandma said we can stay as long as we please. How long did you pack for?" I asked her. "Like maybe 3 weeks." She said. "If we need we can go shopping or just wash our clothes we brought." I said. She nodded and we both climbed into the front seats. I pulled out of the driveway and started to drive down the road. I glanced over at Meggie to see her picking up her phone. It was vibrating in her hand meaning someone was calling her. She smiled as she looked at the caller ID. She clicked answer and started jabbering into the phone. "Who is it?" I asked her. "It's Nash." She replied simply. I slammed on the car breaks and pulled over to the side of the road. She went flying forward and the phone fell out of her hand. I heard 'What's going on?' come from the phone. I grabbed for the phone and put it up to my ear. "Who is this?" I asked. My heart was beating ten times faster than normal. "It's Nash like Meggie said." He replied. I looked over to Meggie with wide eyes. "When did you get his number?!" I whisper-yelled. "He gave it to me when we saw them on the beach. I have all of their numbers." She said. "I'm still here." Nash said into the phone. "Oh yeah you are. Ok well I'm gonna give the phone back to Meggie, and we will see you at Magcon." I said. "So you are coming?" he asked me. "Um yeah ha-ha." I replied and then quickly handed the phone back to Meggie. She laughed and started talking to Nash again. I focused on the road as my mind was running wild. How did she not tell me already? Did she think I would get mad? I'm not mad I'm just shocked. I mean we had just met them and then they give her their numbers. They had seen me more and called me cool so why did they give her their numbers? Wow that sounded rude. Ok I apologize for that Meggie mentally in my head. I kept driving and hearing one side of Meggie's call. "Yeah we are on our way." She said. "That'd be so cool!" she yelled. I was so scared as to what she could be discussing right now. "Great we can do it!" she said. "UGHHHHH" I groaned. Meggie looked at me like I was mental. She continued to talk for like the entire car ride as I drove with the radio in the background.


I stepped out of the car in front of my grandma's house. I went to the back and started to grab my bags to carry them into the house. Meggie followed shortly behind. It took us a bit longer than planned to get here because we had to stop for food and restrooms. Meggie's faults not mine. Once we had gotten our entire luggage into our rooms we ate a light dinner with my grandma and then hit the beds.


I slammed my hand down onto my alarm clock and threw my legs over the side of my bed. I stood up and walked slowly over to my bathroom to take a shower. Once I had taken a shower I got some clean clothes and started to do my makeup. As I was pulling out my makeup I heard Meggie running down the hallway screaming. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I screamed at her. "MAGCON IS TODAY!!!!" She screamed back. It just dawned on me then that she was right. We were supposed to be going to Magcon today. I quickly ran over to my wardrobe and grabbed some nicer clothes. I had only thrown on some long shorts and a grubby t-shirt. I had now pulled out a crop top with a puffy black skirt. I looked for some shoes and found some cute sandals. I put it all on then went to do my makeup. I started to apply my makeup quickly as Meggie kept yelling when we had to leave. I couldn't believe that I was actually pretty excited to see them again. Running downstairs with Meggie's help I yelled goodbye to my grandma as we went through the front door to my car. We pulled out and I listened to Meggie's directions as I drove to the Magcon convention. I pulled up into a parking spot and we walked very quickly to the lines. Meggie was pushing me through this whole thing. Once we got our tickets we walked around to the building and headed inside. There were huge lines and we got in the first one we saw. They boys were stationed in separate spots and we were waiting in the one for Cameron and Nash. The line kept moving up and up and we got closer to them. Cam was talking to the people right before us when Nash looked directly at me.

(Nash's POV)

Cam was talking to the girls that were meeting us and I looked in the line to see who was next. I saw two girls who had brightly colored hair that was super cool. I looked away for a minute when a girl came to mind. We met her a few days ago at Starbucks. What was her name again? LIV! That was her name! She was really cool. She didn't exactly seem like she wanted anything to do with us but I thought she was really pretty and nice. I remembered her facial features. Then I remembered her hair. It was an ocean blue. Wait the girls in line had dyed hair. I looked back towards the girls and sure enough the one with pink and blue hair looked like Liv. I looked to her side where her friend Meggie stood. Meggie was a true fan and was obsessed with us. It made me slightly laugh at the thought of it. Cam looked at me and I motioned to the girls. "It's Meggie and Liv." I whispered. His eyes got slightly bigger and the girls who were meeting us right now followed our gazes to the other girls. They huffed and walked away. Cam and I both walked towards Meggie and Liv even though we were supposed to stay at our spots. They walked towards us as well. Meggie ran into Cam's arms because she saw me staring at Liv. Liv looked up and locked eyes with me. I smiled at her and she blushed looking down at the ground and smiling. She was more than beautiful, she was stunning. They had both changed their hair. I didn't care though Liv still looked great. "Hey Liv." I said. "Hi." She squeaked out trying to look up. I walked closer to her and engulfed her in my arms. I felt sparks run up my arms and chest. This felt so right even though I just met her a few days ago.

(Liv's POV)

Nash and Cam came closer to us and Nash couldn't take his gaze off of me. I blushed slightly but I don't think it was enough to notice. Meggie and I walked closer and I could tell it was taking all her strength not to run up and hug them. She glanced over at me and smirked. I guess she noticed that Nash was staring. I laughed quietly and then Meggie couldn't contain it anymore and ran to hug them. It surprised me though when she only went to hug Cam. Nash walked closer to me and I smiled lightly. I locked eyes with Nash and I looked down to the ground and smiled while blushing. "Hey Liv." He said while stepping closer. "Hi." I said barely audible. He engulfed me in a hug and I felt sparks run through my body. My toes tingled and so did my fingers. I held him close as he did to me. I have never felt this way before, but I do know one thing I never want to let go.

Meeting Magcon (The Ones I Hated)Where stories live. Discover now