I finally know what its like

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As we were walking in I started started thinking about my plan. This movie was supposed to be like a horror film so maybe i can act scared and lean on bill. I just need to catch him shift from this act he's putting on. Everyone is the same. I can rely on him to comfort me through this, oh well maybe i could like grab his hand or something. Ill have to figure when, horror films are usually pretty easy to plan out when jump-scares are coming. Who knows maybe it will surprise me and ill actually get scared. Pft probs not. Why is it that they're always so damn dumb in these films. Like you don't run towards the danger, God. Im trained but im not even that fucking dumb. People need to asses their dangers and surrounding before going all in in hope of surviving. I will say tho as much as i hate horror I absolutely love the Scream franchise. "Lorraine"......Billy is so hot its not even funny. Im not much of a fan of the Halloween movies but there okay ig. My tato used to force me to watch scary videos and movies and- "Lorraineeeee".... shows to help me 'get better at knowing when attacks will approach' and 'evaluate the situation' or whatever he said. He would wait and try to do sneak attacks on me too. I always had to be prepared. My siblings didn't need to do that though. Sometimes i feel like he was worse on me then them but its- "Лотарингія Єлизавета Іванова.!!" Someone yelled my whole government name wtf. I instantly snap out of my thoughts to realize we are no longer at the ticket booth but at the concessions for food. How tf we get here? I walk here? Ofc i walked here don be stupid. I see a hand waving in front of me and out of reflex i grab it and push it behind the persons back not even looking who it was. A whimper left her mouth and i snap back into reality.

"блядь, мені так шкода, що це були рефлекси" I said letting go of Star immediately. "Мені дуже шкода" i repeat again.
"куди твоя голова, ми намагалися поговорити з тобою приблизно 10 хвилин" Star said completely disregarding my apologies. Sometimes this girl i swear.
"Woah what happened." Tom said furrowing his eyebrows confused as to why i 'attacked' star.
"Nothing don't worry about it" I said annoyed. Bill was too caught up in looking at the sour candies. He's gonna get cavities with how much he eats sour candies i swear.

(Fuck. I'm so sorry it was reflex!)
(I'm so sorry)
(Where's your head at we've been trying to talk to you for like ten minutes)

We all got snacks and popcorn and drinks for the movie. I've decided to grab his hand at a jump scare. I need to make it seem like he's helping me comforting me. We walk in and sit in the back row for the best view. After bout 5 mins of us sitting there the theater starts to fill up more but its not near full capacity.

~20 Minutes Into The Movie~

As we were watching the movie a couple in the row in-front of us started to get a little close.... They then started to make out, gross but whatever. They moved off each other and i thought that was the end of it. After about 5 minutes i started hearing .. Moaning? Very quiet but a few whimpers were heard here and there. I looked over at my sister and Tom and they didn't seem to notice as they were a few seats away- we couldn't decide where to sit so we broke off into two groups of two. I looked over at bill to find him looking at me already. His eyes widen and he nods his head into the direction of the couple with a look of disgust. I nod and we almost burst out laughing. We sober up from our laughing and i kick the back of the boys chair to stop them. Thank God they stopped after i kicked it a couple more times. They got up and left to probably continue.


After about 45 minutes of this boring ass movie i decide to put my plan in motion. I made sure to jump a couple of times and act scared so he wouldn't think this was out of the blue. He put his arm on the arm rest connecting out seats and i decided to take it to. My advantage. Then next jumps are come up and i get ready. Bam, there it is. I hurriedly grab bills arm. he instantly tenses but I don't move my hand. I notice him looking over at me but I don't look over at him. Another scare comes up and this time i move my hand up and grab his hand. He grabs mine too because he got scared. We don't let go till the end of the movie.

Words: 860

So so so so sorry for the small chapter

LOVE YOUUU GOODNIGHT OR GOODAY!!! <33333333333333333!

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