This is Me (Play music)

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Have you ever met that kind of person that is tall elaborate and just pure perfection.
They may be dumb but they are popular and a total gorgeous person,
Well at least on the outside.

That is not me, I'm more like the girl in the picture, I mean I'm smart and unpopular and have one friend that I wouldn't change for the world.

But have you ever just wondered what it could be like if you was ever to be someone you are not now, someone like them?

While they go out partying and hanging round with friends, I dance to music in my bedroom or just plain old homework.

Surely if you had one wish, you would wish to experience it and if you liked it then make it stay I guess.

Surely life has more for me rather then just books and study's and peoples pay out of homework,
I mean could anyone care at least a tad?

As I sat and pondered these thoughts I decided to get ready,
what if someone was to recognise me?
Maybe if I make a special effort to look good?
Would my parents mind, I mean come on they want there daughter happy?

I pack my bags slowly and scan over my homework supplies,
"Check, check and check"
I quickly jumped up of my feet as I heard my door open slowly,
"Morning My beautiful Daughter, the bus is here in 10 minutes... Be ready."

"Thanks mum, i will"

My mother swiftly left the room with a gentile smile on her face,
I picked up my bag and gracefully Left my room, I carefully carried my stuff downstairs and grabbed my lunch.
I heard the sound of a school bus horn honking, I ran outside the door and to the bus getting there just before the doors shut
To my surprise a friendly smiling face shimmered at me while I was finding a seat for myself to attend to,
This young handsome yet very chilled and possibly laid back student approached,
"Come sit here with me"

"Um it's ok, il be ok, I think someone might want to sit there"
He looked rather shocked as he saw my denial towards his request.
"Are you sure you rather not sit here?"
I gazed into his thick green intensive coloured eyes,
"I insist"
He look rather flourished at me and In deep confusion,
"Oh okay then, my names William."
I knew who he was, he's the most popular boy in the school also the quarter back of the football team.

"Riley" I said rather sophisticated in a splendidly tone.
He just smiled and watched as I climbed through to the back of the bus.

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