Comments in the world of Toxicity

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It happens.

The more you published, the less people interacted with your post.

"Comments" are one of the three things that push you further into this hell hole.

Sometimes people would leave things alone if they didn't like the plot.

And will definitely leave it when the update schedules are blown apart.

You can find people stop commenting or even voting for your fanfic after 50 chapters.

That happens.

It's inevitable.

This is why mass updates are important.

People will scroll without voting until they've finally reached the end of the latest chapter.

Say you uploaded 5 chapters.

The only chapters that will be filled to the brim with comments and votes are the first, and the fifth.

Not everyone bothers to vote for every single chapter they read. And no, it's not their fault.

Remember why you made that fanfic in the first place, was it truly just for self-satisfaction, or for people to interact with it?

I'll be honest first:

I like both.

I made my fiction become a whole story. So that I can read again after turning my imagination into an object, and have the boost of dopamine for having someone LIKING the things I made.

That's why when comments that hated the fic existed, don't even bother arguing.

"It's my first time writing" is not an excuse that will get you to move forward.

"I have already said the tags that this book has [Gender bender/romance/anything]" is not a good counter.

And "Don't like, don't ride" won't get you anywhere.

If they miss a huge epic plot in your fanfic, well that's their loss.

The phrase "I hate [plot/main character]" is not offensive. It's just offensive if you let it be.

People use anonymity every day to let out their demons on social media.

These groups of letters we construct into "usernames" are shields that allow us to mock, maim, or make fun of someone.

And there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we can do about it.

It's just not worth it.

Unless you're a Patreon writer.

You need to keep it updated in order to create content. If you don't update, the algorithm will go INVISIBILITY CLOAK!!! and will not show your books completely sooner or later. (This is for webnovel, you still can have readers through tag rankings in Wattpad, however... it's undoubtedly hard to get to #1)

So now You've read about my thoughts on comments, I am pretty sure you're thinking that I seem to be having a rough time with it, since this chapter is WAY longer than the others.

In fact, Yes. I am.

The dopamine that I got from people commenting and interacting dropped immediately the moment I look at those comments.

My mood to write was flamethrowered and was evaporated by the nuke.

And I want to commit NOT live anymore.

But here's a fun way to deal with that.

Firstly, read it carefully since if you can get anything to improve from their rants, then why not?

And secondly...

Delete their comments. Yes, it is your book, your stuff, you have complete control over it.

Do you want that good'ol sweet dopamine?? Eliminate all THREATS to your happiness.

They asked you angrily "AUTHOR WHY DID YOU DELETE MY REVIEW?"?

Huh? Review? Comments? Wuzzat? Is it tasty? 🤡

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