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barbie was such a slay movie. also when i describe booths in this chapter I mean the ones that have ways to get out on both sides of a seat (if this makes sense??) like you aren't trapped in the booth lol
second pov! <3

The first week flew you by before you could even blink. The second week dragged on for forever, and the by the third week you were drained. Tired of your friends asking why you no longer left with Miko, tired of the looks Sara would send your way (though occasionally empathetic you couldn't help but feel as though she was judging you.) No matter how much you tried to dodge the questions about Miko, they kept coming.

And even now as you laid in your room, under the covers. Lumine and Yoimiya insisted they'd come over to a 'girl talk', despite you protesting every chance you got. And now you were grumbling, trying to hide under the covers as you heard them enter downstairs.

It was less than a minute later that your door bursted open. "Y/n! Get outta bed!" Lumine called, padding over to you and tugging the blanket off your body. You physically groaned and shoved your head under your pillows. "Oh don't be annoying-"

"Get out Lumine."

Lumine crossed her arms and looks over at Yoimiya who sighs. "We have some important stuff to share," She protests, reaching and grabbing your legs, forcibly yanking you. You push up and glare at her. "Sorry— but this can't wait!"

"Fine," You huff, pulling your legs out of her grip and up to your chest. You snuggle slightly, grabbing your blanket and wrapping it around you. Yoimiya and Lumine join you on your bed.

"You're not gonna believe this," Lumine prefaces, smirking. "Miya got a date."

You raise your brows. "Really?"

"Yes!!" Yoimiya bounces slightly, waving her hands up and down. "I'm so excited!! We're gonna go out to eat together! And then she knows this super pretty stargazing spot, so we're gonna go there too!! And- and she bought me a bracelet!" Yoimiya practically shoves her arm toward you, showing a orange toned bracelet with a large firework charm.

"That's so cute," You smile gently with a nod, glancing over the charm. "I'm proud of you, when did this happen?"

Yoimiya pulls her arm back. "At the study session you skipped." She pouts and crossed her arms. "Thats why we came over. We wanted to ask if you're okay..yknow, girl to girl to gremlin."

"You better be talking about Y/n," Lumine mutters, shooting a glare over at Yoimiya. "She's right though, we wanted to check in," the blonde looks over at you. "You've been ignoring us for several weeks now. No calls, no texts, walking alone in the hallway. Like, are you suddenly emo?"

"I'm not emo," You mutter. "I just like being by myself."

"Emo," Lumine jokes, Yoimiya lightly hits her leg. "I mean- poor sad thing?"

"Yeah because that's so much better," Yoimiya retorts, earning a eye roll. "Y/n, you know you can talk to us. What's bothering you?"

You hold yourself closer into the blanket. "It's nothing, swear."

"Uh-huh, so it has nothing to do with Miko also moping around like someone ran over her cat?" You perk up, raising a brow, Lumine smirks. "I see, it does huh?"

"Shes moping around?" You murmur.

"Yeah it's pathetic. I mean, you would be able to see how she looks at you at lunch if you bothered to pick your head up." Lumine crosses her arms. "So, what happened between you two?"

You sigh. "We broke up."

"Broke up?" Yoimiya frowns. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. The day I left study sessions early, we broke up because of an altercation." Lumine and Yoimiya both look at you curiously, begging for more info, and you sigh. "I'd rather not talk about it."

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