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I say "you can take a shower by yourself right?" He says "I mean I wouldn't mind the company but..." I say "I can sit in the bathroom make sure u don't need anything" he says "bet" and gets undressed and gets in the shower. I sit on the toilet cover and ash's says "yo u can was my body..." I say "oh shut up." Giggling. He says "I love your giggle." I say "stop." I liked compliments ash new that I just couldn't take them. Ash says "mind grabbing me a towel?" I say "sure." Grabbing out a towel for ash.

I handed him it and walked out. Ash says "not gonna stay for the show?" I say "a injured persons show? Nah." And shuts the door. couple minutes later I hear a THUNK. I say "shit ash" I jump over the couch and upstairs. I look in his room and sees him on the floor. I say "you fucking idiot!" As I help him up. He says "I just slipped" I say "you need to be fucking careful ashtray! Anything could happen with that one fall!" He says "okay I'm sorry jesus." I hug him.

He says "hey what's wrong." I say "you keep fucking scaring me." He kisses my head and says "I'm sorry" I wipe my face and says "u had me jumping over the couch" I chuckle. He helps wipe my tear and says "you? Your so unathletic !" I say "your a ass." He laughs moving my hair behind my ear. He says "I love your hair." I smile and says "thank u." He kisses me and says "I'll be more careful for u." I say "thank u, now get dressed." He says "oh shit I forgot" than there was a knock on the door.

I say "WHO THE FUCK?" Ash laughs as I walk out the room. I see gia again she says "ash's awake he posted this 10 minutes ago" holding this picture up in my face.

I say "OF ME HIS FIANCÉ! NO WHERE DOES IT SAY GIA SHOULD COME OVER! SO GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS HOUSE BEFORE I REMOVE U MYSELF!" Fez comes out and says "everything good?" I say "yea" and slams the front door on gia

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I say "OF ME HIS FIANCÉ! NO WHERE DOES IT SAY GIA SHOULD COME OVER! SO GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS HOUSE BEFORE I REMOVE U MYSELF!" Fez comes out and says "everything good?" I say "yea" and slams the front door on gia. I go to walk away and everything gets dizzy. I stop and says "shit." Holding my head. Fez says "Lexi come here."

Lexi comes and says "what's up?" Fez asks "what were your pregnancy symptoms because this bitch was just puking this morning and now all dizzy." I say "no I'm fine." Fez says "Lexi talk to her." Lexi pulls up a chair and says "when u get sick?" I say "this morning." She says "when u get your period last?" I say "last- shit!" Lexi says "yea..." I say "u got any tests?" She says "yup" than walks away and comes back and hands me a pregnancy test. I say "imma go take this." And walks to the bathroom.

After using the bathroom on it me and Lexi step outside. I say "depending on what this test says u can't say shit!" She says "lips are sealed." I flip the test and it's positive. I yell "fuck" and walks away from it. Lexi says "you okay" I yell "FUCK FUCK FUCK" than the front door opens. Lexi quickly hides the test as we see ash walk out. I had my hands on my forehead looking up and he says "u okay ma" I look at lexi making sure the test was hidden than ash. I shake my head yea.

I was trying not to panic in-front of ash. He says "your not okay what's up?" I signal to Lexi to let him see. I say "show him" Lexi says "u sure?" Ash says "fucking show me!" So Lexi hands him the test. Ash looks at it than looks at me. He says "this real?" I shake my head yea. He hugs me not getting I was upset about it. He kisses my head and says "I'm so happy!" And looks at me with my fake smile. I say "me to." Than ash goes inside and tells fez. I shake my head.

I sit on the stairs and processes everything. Lexi went inside and gave me my space. I was outside for hours. Than ash came out. He sat by me and says "I know your worried ma." I say "worried? I'm fucking stressed." He hugs me. He says "u will be great. I promise u ma." I hug him and says "that makes me feel better." He kissed my head. He says "you make me feel better ma." I smile at him than rests my head on his shoulder. He asks "so u gonna keep it?" I shake my head yea.

He says "yes!" I say "calm down your gonna rip a stitch!" We chuckle. I than see his walking by. She says "ASH BABY!" I sigh and lifts my head up. Ash stand up and says "gia fuck u want?" She says "to make sure your okay I was worried about u." He says "not your responsibility to be worried it my fiancés." And he pulls me over wrapping his arm around my waist. Gia says "you want that skank?" Ash says "she's better than u honestly gia." She than pushes ash. I say "don't." Stepping up.

She scoffs and says "fuck u gonna do about it bitch." I say "leave, gia your a nobody face it u have nobody so u come torment people u want in your life bc you dad left and all u have left is your mom" she says "u don't know shit." And walks away. I look at ash and says "you okay?" He says "I should be." I say "tell me right away if you're not got it?" He kisses me and says "don't stress babe" I hug him and sighs and says "impossible when your so clumsy." He chuckles.

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