Let's start at the beginning.

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My name is Jay Jakel, and for the past 2 years, I've been known as my universe's one and only 'Spider-Man': Spider-Widow.

Let's start at the beginning, one last time. The very beginning.

I was born in Germany and moved to New-Zaandam at age 3, where I lived with both my parents after my mom decided to move back with my dad. My parents argued a lot growing up but always tried making my life the best they could, ending up what would be considered somewhat 'spoiled'. My mom took care of me most of the time as my dad went out for work.

I wasn't good at making friends and often got left out at school until I met my best friend, Trinity. She had been my best friend ever since (dutch) 5th grade. We often hung out after school and were pretty much inseparable. We ended up as apprentices for a close friend of my dad at alchemax, Doctor Oliver Octavious. I really enjoyed my time at the lab and found I had a thing for technology. If I wasn't at home, I was always at the lab inventing things and testing out experiments with Doc Ock. That was the name I gave my mentor. Trin was more interested in biology rather than technology like I was. But we both loved sharing our ideas and talking about the things that interested us together.

As I grew older, and I started realizing I wanted to be a boy, even though I was assigned female at birth. I always felt more like a boy, but I never figured out what it could've meant until I got older. When I was about 12, I decided to tell my parents about how I felt, but they weren't accepting. They pretty much ignored my wishes. Over the months, I cut my hair short and dressed more masculine. My parents eventually had enough of it and disowned me, kicking me out of my home at age 13.

Thankfully, my best friend's family accepted me and took me in. Me and my best friend and I got to hang out all the time now and went to school together. A few weeks went by, and we went out to hang out as always. This time, we went to check out what we thought was an abandoned warehouse.

"Jay! Come on!" Trin yelled out as we made our way through the streets towards the warehouse. "I'm right behind you. It's a miracle you're faster with those short legs." I teased. I loved teasing Trin about her height, and she hated it. "Shut up. I'm still growing!" She complained. I let out a laugh, and we got to the factory.

"Why are we here again, Trin?" I asked, confused. "I found something I wanted to show you! I promise that you'll think it's cool." I nodded a bit unsurely, but I continued following her. She got to a doorway and opened it. There was an abandoned lab! My eyes widened, and I felt a rush of excitement as I walked in. "How in the world did you find a fully abandoned lab like this?" I asked, amazed as I looked around. "Just enjoy the surprise. Geez." She playfully rolled her eyes. I let out a chuckle. "Alright, alright."

I went over to another part of the lab and found a section of a lot of abandoned experiments... "Wow... look at all this. What kind of experiments were they trying to do here?" I looked through some files I found laying on a shelf. I read about how they were trying to create a 'Negogenic Recombinator'... a way to use radioactivity to genetically alter living beings. They did tests on different types of animals... Snakes... Lizards... Rabbits (of course)... diffrent types of rodents... and spiders... they tested on different types of spiders: Tarantulas, house spiders, jumping spiders, and Black Widows.

"Hey, Trinny? I think this lab got abandoned for a reason... they were testing with radioactivity. If it's still active here, we should leave." I put the files down and looked back over at her. "This place has been abandoned for years already. I think the radioactivity has died down by now." She didn't seem too worried, so I eased my worries as well. I trusted her.

As we stayed longer, we looked around more and eventually found the room they were doing experiments in. We opened the door to look inside, but little did we know, we let one of the radioactive black widow spiders out. We stayed for a few minutes before we left the room again. "I think we should head back. I'm getting hungry." I spoke. "I  wanted to stay longer though... but fine. I'm getting a bit hungry, too." I nodded, and we started making our way back to the entrance of the lab. I didn't realize the black widow dropped onto my shoulder from the ceiling.

Suddenly, I felt something bite my neck. "SHIT! SOMETHING JUST BIT ME!" I exclaimed. Trin immediately turned around and checked my neck where I said I felt like I got bit. She yelped and hit my neck, a black widow spider dropping to the ground. "Holy guac, is that a black widow!?" I panicked, knowing they were venomous and toxic. I felt the bite on my neck, and a sting came from it, making me wince. "We gotta go to a hospital!" Trin spoke. She called her dad as we headed to the ER, he quickly followed after, hearing what happened. He wasn't happy about the fact we went to an abandoned lab like that but was more worried about my health rather than our hang out spots at the moment.

After a few hours, the doctors made me stay in the hospital for a few days, even after giving me some medical treatment to avoid seizures. Two days later, I was dismissed from the hospital. It was a miracle someone my age survived a black widow bite, but I was lucky nothing happened. As I finally arrived home, I went to enjoy the comfort of my own bed and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning, my teeth feeling painful, aching in my wrists and all my muscles feeling sore. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and noticed I suddenly had FANGS? Double ones on the bottom, and long slender fangs on the top. Suddenly, I also seemed to be more muscular than I was before... not excessively, but definitly toned. Then I realized I wasn't wearing my glasses, but somehow, my vision was perfectly clear... I felt my aching wrists and massaged them, suddenly, a web shooting out of it.


Thank you for reading if you came this far!

Visual for Jay's face:
Art belongs to me!
Ig: art.with.anubis

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