Friday Night Bites

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The screen lights up once again and shows Caroline slowly waking up, at first she is confused by the blood on her pillow until she realized that it came from her neck

Caroline tenses up at that but relaxes slightly as she feels Valentina's hand, that was still on her shoulder, squeeze it

She looks to her side seeing Damon laying there, sleeping. She goes to get up and leave the room however when she reaches the door she looks at her bed, expecting the man to be there but he isn't. Instead he is behind her, waiting for her to turn around

"Good morning."

"Please...Don't!" She stumbles as she tries to get away from him, as she walks backwards she falls on her bedside table and grabs the first thing her hand makes contract with, which happens to be a lamp

"Don't do that. Ah, ah, ah, ah." He said tauntingly as he moves towards her and as a result she hits him with the lamp she previously picked up

"No! No! No! Get away from me! No!" At this point the girl had fallen on the bed and since Damon took the lamp from her, she tried to hit him with everything however the only thing she could throw him was her pillow, which did nothing

"This could have gone a completely different way."

The Salvatore examines the pillow and sees that she threw him the one with blood on it, he goes to smell the blood and as soon as he does, his face changes and attacks Caroline who screams in terror

Caroline is one step before she starts shaking in fear but she calms down when she feels someone play with her hair, an action that always calmed her down, when she turns around she sees Valentina looking her with concern and understanding

The older girl wanting nothing more but make Damon pay but she knew that Caroline calming down was more important and that it wasn't the place to do something because nothing will change so she focused on only calming the Forbes down

But just because Valentina didn't do something doesn't mean that no one did anything since Damon clutched his head in pain, when everyone turned to look at who did it they found the twins holding hands with Hope siphoning magic, who smirk once they hear Damon's groans

It wasn't that they didn't like him, he is their uncle but given what he did they were more than happy to do what they did

The day passes by quickly and when school ends practice starts. Stefan had told Valentina that he was going to try out for the team and since she didn't have anything else to do she decided to go watch it.

As she was sitting on the stands she hears a car coming and when she looks up she sees Caroline kissing Damon before getting out of his car. 

"I got the other brother hope you don't mind" Caroline said to Elena as she passed her and Bonnie and went towards the team but before she could reach it, she heard someone call her name

"Valentina" She said with a confused face when she realized who was calling her 

"Hey- Um I didn't see you today at school and wanted to see if you are okay"

The blonde girl was surprised at that, she didn't think that she had someone to care enough to ask her that, especially since they didn't know each other for a long period of time

"Oh- uh I'm alright" 

Valentina was about walk away until she noticed something, the girl was wearing a scarf, it was way too hot for that

Caroline noticing were the girl was looking soon became a little uncomfortable thinking that whatever happened with her brother would happen with her too. Valentina noticing that quickly averted her gaze but her expression soon fell when she realized something, composing herself she looked up at Caroline with a forced, fake smile

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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