Dragon Heart, episode 15

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Episode 15

Its early in the morning and the sun is barely up over the horizon. There's a fine mist rolling in over the mountains and all is relatively peaceful and quiet. Suddenly though, that peaceful tranquility is threatened as five silhouettes race across the dense green landscape and make their way along the mountain line.

The five figures make it to the peak of the mountain range and all stop to overlook the vast expanse of hills and woodland below them. Upon closer inspection, the five are revealed to be the remaining five members of Ra's personal guard, and none of them look particularly thrilled about their current job. The one in the lead then turns his head around to halfway look at the others and says, "The tracking software that was put in Garret's lens tells us he frequently made detours through this area. He never gave us the location of these people after he found them so this is the best guess we have as to the location of our target. We've got a lot of land to cover, so let's get our job done before Ra gets impatient." He then signals his hand forward and they all take off down the mountain and into the forest.

Episode 15, chapter 2

It's the next morning from when John and Aeris talked last night and John is, of course, found sleeping comfortably in his bed with the covers pulled halfway over himself. Unlike yesterday, he's now sleeping much more soundly and looks to be all the better for it. His peaceful slumber won't last much longer, however, as just like she said last night, Aeris intends to wake him up early. And following up on that promise, Aeris is currently standing in his room with her shadow looming over him.

So far she has yet to make any kind of sound and is just standing there watching him sleep, clearly thinking about how she wants to go about waking him up. After some time of tapping the side of her cheek with her finger in thought, she finally looks like she has something and she nods her head confidently. She then walks over to and gets up and onto John's bed, sitting down on top of him and straddling his waist. Despite the movement and noise around him though, John doesn't appear to be any closer to waking up. Aeris sees this so she lightly pokes his face in an attempt to wake him up herself.

This does the trick and John groggily wakes up, half opening his eyelids. He then blinks his eyes completely open and awake and his senses and body begin to catch up as well. it's then that he notices something's off and he looks forward. What he sees next is none other than Aeris sitting on his bed in front of him with that same heartwarming smile and beautiful face that he fell in love with so long ago now. Seeing her, he can't help but smile back. "Hey there," he says softly, "Whatcha doin'?"

Aeris tilts her head ever so slightly to the left as she hears the question and continues to smile. "Oh, nothing. Just watching you sleep," she responds playfully. "I just couldn't help myself, you have such a cute sleeping face."

John chuckles at her response and he tilts his head to the side just like her. "Well aside from the compliment, that sounds just a little bit creepy. Maybe I should start locking my door at night," he says teasingly at her. "And by the way, why are you sitting on me like that?"

"I thought you'd like it," she replies while running her hands along his sides. "Why do you ask, is there something wrong with it?" she asks with an inquisitive look on her face.

John's own face then flushes red and he begins nervously scratching the side of his head with his finger. Aeris meanwhile leaning more of her weight onto him, he then sheepishly responds, "Well, no, no—nothing's wrong with it at all. It's just that, um... honestly. It's just really starting to, well, arouse me I guess I should say."

Aeris pretty much already halfway laying on top of him, she then goes wide-eyed and blushes hard at hearing this, "Oh sorry!" she yelps as she jumps off him and moves so she's sitting at the edge of the bed instead. Both of them now blushing, Aeris holds an apologetic look on her face as she gazes at John from a safe distance.

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